I'm in the midst of building a bona fide Library to my house in California. Since the building takes time...a lot of time, I got a jump on the acquisition of hard cover books of ALL genre.
I FEEL smarter when I read. Perhaps I'm not, but not many will argue the point with me since now, I not only speak in movie quotes and sarcasm, I might chuck out a phrase that I just picked up like "one need to have a comprehensive character" as stated by Henry David Thoreau.
That phrase when interjected in a conversation with a disagreeable bloke, often catches the unsuspecting combative off guard and stymied to the point of speechlessness. WIN!
From the journal of Henry David Thoreau for this date in 1852:
Thoreau's Journal: 30-Jan-1852
I doubt if Emerson could trundle a wheelbarrow through the streets, because it would be out of character. One needs to have a comprehensive character.
Today's training:
Work up to 50% of max
Then add one chain cluster per side for 3 reps
I had 225 on the bar and ended with 8 clusters
Over Head American Bar Rack Scrape Presses:
3x12 for a warm up
3x12x135 work sets
Cable Fly:
Bouncing KB Shrugs:
4x12 with a three bounce contraction/three bounce stretch x 56 KG
Bike Commute: 17 minutes
6x5 step acceleration
6x20 skipping hops
8x40 sprint