I have done this a few times in my life. The key to to go 100% all out.
What I like to add to this is to make each movement a triple strip set. Do a couple warm up sets of each tri-set just to make sure the movement feels good and you are ready to bust ass.
Leg Press - 20 reps, strip weight, 20 reps, strip weight 20 reps, and move to...
Leg Extensions - 20 reps, strip weight, 20 reps, strip weight 20 reps, and move to...
Squats - 15 reps, strip weight, 15 reps, strip weight 15 reps, die.
If you are not completely shot then do another round but I would venture to say if you are not fried after one round then you didn't push hard enough.
Inspired from the book High-Intensity Bodybuilding by Darden
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