"Read one thinker and you become a clone. Read two and you become confused. Read 100 and you start to become wise."
I read this on the internet and it's credited to Timothy Keller - who, I admittedly don't know anything about. However, this quote is FIRE, as the kids say.
What made me a world ranked lifter had less to do with my ability and athleticism and more to do with my mental capacity to digest new information.
My natural ability and work ethic only took me so far as a young lifter. As I was competing against the best in the world, THREE things became very clear:
1) These guys were SMART. They weren't what I expected in terms of 'big dumb meatheads'
2) They were always up for talking shop. There were no secrets. Just honest DISCUSSION about their methods.
3) Their approach was FLUID and always open to dissecting their methods to make them better, or sharper, like a samurai sword folded over a million times.
So, what does this have to do with you?
If you're getting your information from only one source, no matter how good the source, you've artificially limited your resources. With limited resources come limited results.
Read more. Learn more. Experiment more. This is the process for developing your own training strategy that will serve you for years to come, because no matter how good the coach, they are not you. They aren't walking in your shoes. And they can't possibly know what's best for you. But you can't either until you become wise.