If you have been following and participating in doing my training log, you'll know that we have a TON of Prowler work completed at this point. You'll also know that we have done a couple simple yet severe Squat/DL sessions.
Looking at this band of marauders I determined that we needed a rest from Conditioning,..(TODAY).
IF, you are one of those half ass trainers who only copy these workouts down and implement them with "clients" of your own and don't participate yourself... (and charge them MONEY) then you will not have a flavor for feeling. So I hope YOU have a coronary and suffer irreversible damage to your descending aorta.
Dynamic Squat: 10x2x52%
Dead Lift: 10x1 with the same weight
Good group this morning. Saturday AM at 7:30 get's busy. Not only did Hunter get HIS training in, he kept an eye on "M" who is my pal Chris Carr's lovely young daughter.
Today's KIDS are tomorrow's champions. Love the youth of America that haven't been "nursed and burped" beyond Machismo repair.