I have written about this before but it bears repeating, I think people take far too many liberties with cheat meals. Besides the fact that they get out of hand, I find for a lot of people, they come too often.
I wrote a blog a while back about how I would often go months without a cheat meal. Being that my weight has been in a good place for a while, I have had cheat meals a little more often. However, I have made a pledge to myself to get my walking around weight under 200.
Right now my bodyweight is fluctuating between 210 and 215. I have had some injury issues that have kept me from training and conditioning hard which is holding up my progress and time is ticking away. That's why I am going to challenge myself to go the next eight weeks without a cheat.
With so many readers on the same journey, I figured I'd throw the challenge out there to the rest of you. If you are already in good shape, you'll look even better. If you are struggling, this will be a great head start. So suck it up buttercup. You can make it eight weeks .
These eight weeks will put us right at the beginning of summer making this is the perfect time for such a challenge. Feel free to hit me up here for any advice, or if you need a little motivation. Let's do this!