I wish I was the person who could just exist and be happy, but that is not me. Perhaps it is because I let myself go so far and I cannot be trusted. Maybe I have created bad eating habits for myself and need to alter my relationship with food. It could even be that I need to fill some void now that I am no longer competing at a high level in powerlifting. Whatever it is, I know myself and I need a goal.
After the NOV Meet with Wendler and Rhodes I took a little time off the program for the holidays. I had been really steadfast with everything for some time. That and moving made it seem like a good idea. It was really fun to eat like more of a "normal" human being. It‘s not that I don‘t eat foods I enjoy while following iifym, but I am limited by macros. So not having them set for about a month was nice.
During this time I found a new love. No, I am not replacing the irreplaceable Jessica, I‘m talking about chocolate glazed donuts. Can you believe I have never tried a glazed chocolate donut in my 47 years on this planet until recently. Damn, they are great! Actually, I guess I should consider myself lucky for not knowing about these delights. Since getting back on my diet I feel like I‘m going through some type of withdrawal. I had been eating them every day. Even worse, my biggest problem with food is, if one is good, two is great, and more than that is even better.
Do you see where I‘m going with this? I am a glutton and this has not changed with my weight loss. Donuts were not the only thing on my menu. Not only had my weight crept up 10 lbs, but I was feeling lousy. I was missing out on the very micro and macro nutrients that had had me feeling good, performing well, and looking better.
OK, so this is a lot of blathering to get to my point, but you can now see why I need a goal. My plan is to get down to lift in the 198 lb weight class. This will be my sixth weight class in powerlifting. The goal weight will be around 210 lbs. From there I will perform a weight cut one week out to make the 198's.
So are you like me and need a goal for your weight loss? Find one, there are many out there. Pick a goal weight for a vacation. Choose a pair of jeans or a dress size you want to fit into. Don‘t just be arbitrary and say you want to lose weight. Then when you get there find a new goal. If you are really satisfied with where you are, make the new goal to be the same weight 12 weeks away.
I know for some of you this is really easy. You just exist and are happy with where you are. This however, does not work for me. I clearly have issues. So if you have issues too, get a goal.
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