I turned 48 on Sunday and couldn't be happier. First off, I never understand people who get all upset about getting older. Isn't that the goal? Cemeteries are filled with people who wish they had another birthday. I have to believe my brother would have. Appreciate getting older, it is an opportunity not afforded to everyone.
This year on top of the gift of being above ground, I am in the best shape of my entire life. This has come in just short of eight years. It's a better gift than I could have ever imagined. On top of looking great, I feel great and I don't know which I appreciate more.
I completely get that saying 'I look great' could sound a tad bit narcissistic. However, I remember Jess forwarded me something on Instagram about fit people and it resonated deeply with me. It said:
A well-built physique is a status symbol. If reflects you worked hard for it. You cannot inherit it. You cannot steal it. You cannot borrow it. You cannot hold on to it without constant work. It shows dedication. It shows discipline. It shows self-respect. It shows dignity. It shows patience, work ethic, and passion.
That is indeed how I feel about myself now. If that's narcissistic, so be it. People like to flaunt their cars, money, watches, etc. I figure what better thing to be proud of than oneself? I have worked hard for this. I have earned it. I appreciate it and am now celebrating it.
I hope these words resonate with some of you who are on the same journey. I hope it inspires those just waiting to start theirs. Get to work and one day give yourself the best gift money can't buy.
I've learned a lot reading over the years. Also, great podcast with Joe Schillero too!