First, I cannot take credit for this quiz. It was passed on to me by Matt Rhodes. It's not verbatim, so I might be taking a little artistic license, but you'll get the point. So here it is:
1. Should you eat ample amounts of lean protein every day such as chicken, beef, fish, etc?
2. Should you eat fresh vegetables and fruit every day?
3. Should you eat healthy fats from nuts, oils, fish, eggs, etc?
4. Should you avoid processed and fast food?
5. Do people get fat because they eat fruits, rice, or potatoes?
6. Are there "special foods" that help you burn fat?
Here are the answers; yes, yes, yes, yes, no, no
How did you do? Most likely you did well unless you live under a rock. Of course, there are going to be outliers. There will be people following keto, paleo, vegan, gluten-free, and other nutritional approaches who will not agree. However, for the vast majority of people, this information rings true.
Do you know what this all means? You pretty much know how to lose weight. You also know how to put on muscle. Of course, how lean or muscular you want to be is a result of exercise as well as nutrition, but if you passed the quiz, you probably know that already.
Now if you know all this and you aren't in the shape you want to be, here's the missing ingredient, discipline. Getting in better shape is not easy. I'm closing in on the two year anniversary of having lost over 100 lbs. Guess what, it's still really friggin' hard for me. But if I can do it, so can you.
Again, thanks to one of my best friends and head strength and conditioning coach Matthew Rhodes for his understated brilliance with this quiz.