A while back ago I admitted I struggled with making the right choices to get and stay leaner. My wife Jessica was really surprised. She thought it was easy for me. So if my 24/7 partner thought that, those of you who only get snapshots of my life must think it's a breeze. It's not. I struggle quite a bit and I would not be surprised if this internal conflict goes on forever.
The reason I'm admitting this is twofold. Knowing I struggle will probably help some of you. You are not alone. This is hard work and it's not always a success.
The other reason is that I put on a good ten pounds while prepping for my last meet. I know some of it is muscle, but I don't like letting my weight creep up. I have a terrible fear of putting all that weight back on again.
Early on in my journey I worked with a nutritionist and lost over 30 pounds in three months. When the three months was up, I put it all back on and then some. I have seen it too many times, people do put the weight back on. That's why I'm so vigilant.
I figure if I admit I'm struggling and put it out there I'll hold myself more accountable. I'm having a little trouble getting started and have stumbled a few times. Luckily I already took seven pounds off, so my little slide still leaves me better off than where I was.
No excuses though. I need to close up my pie hole, practice discipline, and count ALL my calories. That's my recipe for success.
So if you are out there struggling with your weight loss, know you are not alone. Also know, once you get down where you want to be, the journey is not over.
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