"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth" ~ Marcus Aurelius
Why is it so important to attend this weekends "Powerlifting Experience"? For you the participant, to become your own perspective and learn and have your OWN opinions.
I just looked at my personal itinerary this Friday. I leave San Francisco at 5:30 AM. Which means I need to be AT the airport by 4:30 AM. Which means I need to be in my car going towards that airport by 3:30 AM. Don't get me wrong, I am up daily at 3:00, but I take care of the personal things from 3:00-3:30 and then eat.
Oh well, 24 hours and be able to fight anywhere in the world! That's the credo, right? Let's get this done!
Suspended Knee Ups: 3x10
Bosu Sit ups: 3x10
C/S Row: 4x8x85
C/S Swiss Bar Row: 4x8x135 w/ a momentary pause at full contraction
Lat Pulldown "crank" on the Free Motion selectorized: 4x8
Pull ups: 5x20
Tricep Crank:
Rev. Grip Tri Push down: 3x12x100/Rope Push down: 3x12/Regular grip Tri Cable Push down: 3x12 as a Giant Set
Bicep Crank:
Rev. Grip DB Curl/Hammer Curl/Reg Grip Curl: 3x9