Thanks to the Orlando Barbell family for all of their help. This is who was left at the end of a long day: Melanie Flesh, Ashley Cooper, Thomas, Ben Beaman, Gaelyn Byrne, Hans Hinnershitz, Clint, Yohan Montalvo, Greg Godwin, April Harper, Andy Blackton, Stephen Harper, Tyler Weaver, Trinity Schwab, Rick Lawrence, me, Sarah Abdallah, and Brian Johnson
Thank you to Kieran Kidder of the APF for allowing us to use all of the great equipment and Rick Lawrence for always being willing to transport it. Thank you to our sponsors Al Reiss of Calvert Holdings and Jeff Sevor of Central Florida Peridontics. We wouldn't be able to host these meets without their continued support.
Full Meet Results; OBB APF Southern States Results 10-2015
Thank you again to all of the competitors, spotters, loaders, judges, scorers, and everyone else involved in helping to run yet another successful meet at our Orlando Barbell APF Southern States last weekend. Somehow after 11 years of hosting meets, they still seem to get better each time. Out of 75 total lifters 25 were female and around 30 were competing for the first time. We had lifters ranging in age from 11 year old Matti Marsee to 76 year old Dale Pervis. I think this meet made me more proud to give back to our sport than ever. We've had nothing but positive feedback!
The amount of work that it takes to run a successful meet is unimaginable. It’s difficult to understand until you experience it first hand. We couldn’t do these without the help of the team. Helping out at the two meets we run each year is an essential part of being a part of the OBB team.
Here’s who the best lifters were:
Best Male Equipped Lifter- Bert Underwood
Best Female Equipped Lifter- Margaret Kirkland
Best Male Raw Lifter- Dustin Tyler Adams
Best Female Raw Lifter- Gillian Tedeschi
Best Male Teen/Junior- Andy Naiyanet
Best Female Teen/Junior- Jordan Masters
Best Male Master Lifter- Gerald (Dale) Pervis
Best Female Master Lifter- Ana Alvarez
Best Team- Hillbilly Power
It’s always great to see Elitefts Team members making it to our meets. Here are the legendary Bob Youngs, Jo Jordan, Yessica Martinez (who’s brother Paul competed in his first full meet and did great) and me. Yessica had a great write up with videos. Check it out here: Yessica’s APF Southern States Write up if you haven’t already!
Our next meet, the Orlando Barbell APF Florida State, will most likely be on February 20th. I'll get the entry forms posted as soon as I can confirm this. Please remember that our meets fill up fast, so the earlier you get your entry form in, the more likely you are to reserve your spot. Hope to see you there!!! OBB APF Southern States Results 10-2015