Man! I sure could have used about 6 more hours to this past weekend. I dislike getting to the gym tired. Even the 5:00 AM'ers deserve a fresh face coach full of piss and vinegar, but for some reason I couldn't get the turbos started today.
The training went well, but I had nothing to motivate anyone else, and I can tell the toll it takes on THEM!
Oh well, rest, eat, tub, sleep and fight on tomorrow.
Suspended Knee Ups: 3x18
C/S Row: 4x8x225
BOSU Situps: No Spinal flex. Just to parallel: 3x18
Lat Pulldown using the Bat Wing: Mag attachment: 4x8x200
4 way neck: 3x10x3.5
Rear Delt Destroyer: Scap retractions: 1x60-40-20x35-28-18 lb Kettle bells
Shrugs: 4x10x405