If you ever read about all the people telling you how badass they are because they got up and trained even though it's a holiday and they take no time off because David Goggins wouldn't and you are made to feel guilty, know this: Guilt and worry are two useless emotions.
Worrying about something has never changed the outcome of an action, and if you're going to be made to feel guilty about it, well...Don't do it!
I'm telling you about the events that occurred on THIS Christmas Eve day, just because of how it unfolded and I just went with the flow.
My routine NEVER breaks and because it doesn't I haven't had to set an alarm clock for the past 20 years even when the time changes from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time.
Every morning, my evacuation system wakes me up and I go to the bathroom. I could set a clock to it.
Once I'm up...I'm UP! There is no going back to bed. I know this because I've tried and the result is I am laying there wide awake with the thoughts of getting my dog out for her run (my run) done before anything else is up and moving. I like "OWNING the dark".
So while I was in the quiet of the God early morning, pre-run, one of my lifting "Crew" members messaged me that he couldn't sleep and was antsy to workout and would I consider it this fine morning.
Because I "Own" the early morning and the dark, I've always said to anyone that couldn't sleep..."Message me and it'll be 'Go Time' "
Being a man of my word, I told my buddy, "Let me get my dog out. Give me a half hour then come pick me up."
I did, he did, and off we went to train at my gym. (I have the keys so I can go in any old time I desire)
While the rest of the world (in our estimation) slept in on this Christmas Eve Day (and Sunday, now that I remember because the days and nights all blend) we squatted and GHR'd.
I run a tri-phase program consisting of Max Effort, Dynamic Effort, and Rep Effort days. Since today was a Rep Effort day or one that consists of Moderate Intensity and Moderate Volume (with a little wiggle room to adjust for anything that may rear its ugly head) we did this after my three-mile run:
GHR: 5x10
Squat 3x8; 1x12;1x15 @ 65%
Narrow Stance Squat: 3x8; 1x12; 1x15 @ 50%
The thigh pump was incredible, and that statement rings clear in my head because of what my good friend and personal trainer to quite a few NFL players said to me on Wed., "My guys would rather have a massive quad pump over a massive bicep pump any day."
Pump'd they are!
I am now sitting behind my desk tapping keys to express my delight.
My quads are STACKED and tired.
My heart is strong and my lungs work efficiently, and my spirit never faulters.
I tell you this not to make you feel guilty if you have chosen to not do anything today and or tomorrow, I tell you because I am full.
Have a Merry Christmas and I hope YOUR hearts and spirits become full and satisfied.