The west coast is getting bombarded with a series of storms coming off the Pacific that brings much needed rain (and snow pack in the Sierras) and high winds. (Does this mean "Mavericks" big wave surf competition is around the corner? ??
We pay a premium to live in the Socialist Republic of California, so when the power goes out, most folks go pretty ape shit. Me on the other hand fall back to "Survival Mode". Yea, its so tough. No computer, no lights, no heat, no luxury of modern day living. But I find it FUN!
Since we had no way of telling time, I went by instinct. It was early morning, so like Forrest Gump...I felt like run'n so that's what I did, I ran.
When I got home there was no way to cook, so fresh fruits and nuts washed down with water was the menu for the DAY! I didn't lose any weight, and feel rather lithe.
The power JUST came back on after 18 hours of "in the dark".
It makes me kind of sad. : (
I don't mind "Embracing the Suck".
Adversity makes you stronger!
Today's Team Training
Squat: 8x13x45 lb bar only onto as deep box as form dictates
Dead Lift: 8x13x 45 lb bar to the top of the shoe laces
GHR: 8x13
45 degree Back Extension: 8x13
AirDyne Bike (Legs Only): 15 minutes
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