Coaches Corner Podcast Episode 48
Covered a bunch of great topics in this episode, hope you enjoy it.
Tutorial: Box Squats for New Lifters
How and why I use the box squat this particular way with my clients
What is DOMS and What Does it Mean For Growth?
Let's get a more detailed look at the mechanisms behind DOMS and what it actually means for muscle growth.
It's great to be able to enjoy foods like pizza and still have abs
How do we know how far an athlete will get in their performance?
I prefer to focus on the athlete's autotelic enjoyment (enjoy the sport for the sake of it) and intrinsic motivation. It's wise to avoid motivational lies about success. If one in a million will make it, these competitive lies will hurt a million minus one.
Coaches Corner Podcast Episode 47
We dive into some great questions in this week's podcast, our favorite core movements, morphological features and how they can determine lifts, and our favorite books.
Food Palatability and How it Effects Our Hunger
Foods can have a major effect on your hunger signals, look to the science to help explain things a little further.
Tutorial: Banded TKE Squats
Many of my clients are still training at home (whether by choice or not). Some have smaller gyms without much equipment. When I want to put in a leg press exercise for quad work, I usually have to come up with an alternative. Enter the Banded TKE Squat. You can do these unloaded or loaded […]