Three of My Favorite Bodybuilding Movements for Strength
In addressing these weaknesses, I’ve found some cool movements that I plan to incorporate into my future strength programming for prehab and corrective work.
The Number One Determining Factor In Feeling Good
I'd be curious what your answers are prior to reading this...
The Proper Way to Bulk: What the Science Says
Digging into the science of bulking, learn how to add weight the proper way.
Balance and single-leg exercises
As we age, get injured, heal (repeat the cycle several times), get over-specialized in unilateral movements, we deviate from that ideal type and become prone to more injury, more instability and the ensuing snowball effect includes pain, loss of performance, poor recovery and miserable life.
Multitasking Doesn't work for me...
Hell, I turn down the car radio if I'm looking for an address...
How to Know When You are Recovered
Being able to determine your athlete's readiness can be a great way to get the most out of the training program and the athlete.
80%...Getting Older...Vincent Dizenzo
If you read only the stuff I write and don't frequent over to Vinny D's logs, you are missing out of 57% more content that can make you 100% better. Vincent and I have an ongoing dialog that we have fostered a great friendship over the years. I trust Vincent as he does with me. […]
We're Back (until the powers that be screw it up for everyone)
Some athlete training catch up and everybody's favorite subject - my training.