This is maximal effort, dude
The relation between bar velocity and intensity (measured as a percentage of 1RM) has been known for a while.
Diagnosis Of My Hip and Leg
It seems quite possible that this was never an infection and was misdiagnosed.
Mid-Year Check In
Bodybuilding, trap bar deadlifts, and a return to the platform all in my (hopefully near) future.
My 5/3/1 Progression
I have been on a solid plan for a while now and this is what is working for me.
ARTC 6 - 1 Full Week
Week 1 in the books with results that I'm pretty damn happy with! I'm either: 1.) genius because I did my research or 2.) I got lucky. Place your bets.
Dumbbells and other pressing exercises to improve the bench press?
If we use a stable surface and unstable axial load, then we're talking: this type of motor task transfers to the target movement and improves maximal strength and the sticking point crossing time.
Protein Timing: What the Science Says
Here are the ins and outs of protein timing based on the latest literature.