Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Today's Training.  Friday 6/19
Today's Training. Friday 6/19
Putting the HOT in Psychotic since 1975
Football Summer Training: Tenative 5-Day Template
Football Summer Training: Tenative 5-Day Template
My plan for when I get my hands on our football team.
The Three Best Things To Come Out Of Covid - For Me
The Three Best Things To Come Out Of Covid - For Me
Unlike many, I am coming out of Covid quarantine better than most. I was going to start with, luckily, I have a home gym. However, that's not due to any luck at all. With training being a priority in my life I planned things so I could have space in my house, invested in myself, […]
On Thursdays we Squat and throw Throat Punches.
On Thursdays we Squat and throw Throat Punches.
AirDyne: 22 minutes Dynamic Squat: 10x2x50% Dynamic 12" Box Step ups: 4x15  Man that was funny.  Some folks have a hard time dancing.  Reminds me of the movie "Stitch" with Will Smith. GHR: 4x12 Ab Wheel Roll Out: 3x12 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12 Bike Commute: 20 minutes.  I was such a dick...A guy walking […]
Athletes Return to Campus Training 3
Athletes Return to Campus Training 3
It seems we have a date to start training our athletes. Hopefully, things keep moving in the direction they seem to be moving in.
Surviving COVID-19: suggestions for re-opening gyms
Surviving COVID-19: suggestions for re-opening gyms
It is my belief that those gyms that succeed in implementing effective measures will enjoy a double reward: in the short term, the community’s safety against SARS-CoV-2 contagion. On the long run, the prevention of several infections caused by viruses and bacteria.
Sobrevivendo à pandemia: medidas para a re-abertura de ginásios, centros de treinamento e academias
Sobrevivendo à pandemia: medidas para a re-abertura de ginásios, centros...
Acredito que quem for bem sucedido em implementar estas medidas agora terá um duplo retorno: no curto prazo, a segurança de todos os membros da comunidade que convive na academia quanto ao contágio do SARS-CoV-2. No longo prazo, a prevenção de outras viroses e infecções bacterianas.
I Piss Red, White, and Blue.  The doctor
I Piss Red, White, and Blue. The doctor
the doctor said I had some complications. I told him to shut his commie mouth.
Energy Balanced Explained
Energy Balanced Explained
Energy balance is the most important concept to understand when it comes to body composition.
Tuesday kjsfljas fhkl n sa klfd…
Tuesday kjsfljas fhkl n sa klfd…
Sorry, there was a spider on the keyboard…
And ...we are BACK!
And ...we are BACK!
with restrictions, but heck...we're Baaaaaaack
Don't Be A Masochist!
Don't Be A Masochist!
I'm not talking about training.
Surviving COVID-19: some thoughts about small gyms as small businesses and your new "bizarre" coaching clients
Surviving COVID-19: some thoughts about small gyms as small businesses a...
Most small gyms with good lifting equipment are small businesses / sole proprietor businesses. This is the economic category that took the hardest blow during the pandemic.
I Think I'm On To Something
I Think I'm On To Something
This is EXACTLY why I want to continue to learn more and experiment
Brutal on the medial hamstring!
The return of equipped lifting, continued….
The return of equipped lifting, continued….
I'll keep updating on their transition to equipped lifting
It Has Come To An End
It Has Come To An End
Whiskey with Kirschen Part 6: Dave’s Top Five Tips for the Older Lifter
Kettlebell Thoracic Extensions
Kettlebell Thoracic Extensions
Beware of the back pump.
This is it!  For Tomorrow May Never Come 6/12/2020
This is it! For Tomorrow May Never Come 6/12/2020
I'll bet if they try this hoax again, no one in the right mind will pay any attention to it

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