Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

TPS Moving
TPS Moving
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Operation Be Less Fat Turns 15
Operation Be Less Fat Turns 15
328.5 lbs to 197.5 It hasn't been easy, but it's been worth it. Here are some of my top tips.
7/24/2024  Want To Change Your Life?
7/24/2024 Want To Change Your Life?
If you want to change your life, you need to make changes in your life. Today's Training: Run: Sprints: 100 yd repeats Cycle Suit Case Farmer's Walk: 10 x 50 yds Lat Pulldown Wide: 4x10 C/S Row: 4x10 Chin-ups: 8x 1/2 your max reps for one set Fat Gripz DB Concentration Curl: 4x10 Reverse Fat […]
7.23.2024   Can and Can not.
7.23.2024 Can and Can not.
The only one who can tell you ‘you can’t’ is you. By the way, you can ignore that. Today's Training: Run: 10x60 yd Sprints Cycle Push-ups: 10x10 "Lara Abs" 3x12 Blast Strap Row: 5x10 Mini Band Pull-apart: 5x20 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 DB Floor Press: 5x6 Rear Delt Raise: 3x12 Fat Grip Tricep Pushdown: 3x12 DB […]
7.22.2024  I'm Working On Something New (At least for me it is)
7.22.2024 I'm Working On Something New (At least for me it is)
I haven't said anything to anyone, but two weeks ago I blew something up in my shoulder while dynamically bench-pressing with a bunch of young stud athletes. I've always trained my ass off and taken it to the limit every time I do. I am guilty of a "do as I say, not as I […]
Calling An Audible During Training
Calling An Audible During Training
If you are feeling good while training don't be afraid to challenge yourself by calline an audible.
7.19.2024. Success Is Getting What You Want...
7.19.2024. Success Is Getting What You Want...
Happiness is getting wanting what you get. Today's Training: Cycle: The new tire is AWESOME. I'm back to being fast Kettlebell Ladder: 1-20 Max Effort Bench: Close grip 3 RM Pull-ups: 8x 1/2 the amount you can do for one set Tricep Pushdown: 4x15 EZ Curl Bar Biceps: 4x12 Ab Wheel: 4x10 Cycle: Yep, still […]
7.18.2024  It Happens...Oh Well
7.18.2024 It Happens...Oh Well
Murphy! Murphy has a law. But, it was going to happen eventually. I commute via bicycle. I carry no spare, no air pump, no cell phone...NOTHING! (that's on me and I'm ok with it) On the way home, after chatting with another strength coach who traveled pretty far to see me, I got with, oh... […]
7.17.2024. We Are What We Repeatedly Do...
7.17.2024. We Are What We Repeatedly Do...
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” — Aristotle Today's Training: Accessories Get blood flow from the following: 100 reps in each...
7.16.2024  Creating Your Future Is The Best Way To Predict It
7.16.2024 Creating Your Future Is The Best Way To Predict It
“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.” — Abraham Lincoln Today's Training: Cycle Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12 Ab Wheel: 3x12 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 High Pin Press: 3x3 C/S Rear Delt Raise: 3x12 Cable Tricep Pushdown: 3x12 Bicep Curl of any kind: 3x12 Cycle
7.15.2024. Small Daily Improvements
7.15.2024. Small Daily Improvements
Small daily improvements are the key to staggering long-term results. Today's Training: Cycle GHR: 60 reps in as few sets as possible High Box Squat vs. SSB Yoke Bar with a 3-count pause on the box: 3 Rep Max Good Mornings: 4x10 Weighted Sit-ups: 3x10 Cycle
7.12.2024  1500 rep Workout
7.12.2024 1500 rep Workout
We do the 1000 rep arm day on the first Friday of every month. So to accommodate my new format AND to progress those 1000 reps, I upped the ante to 1500 with the addition of five new exercises for this day. Before we got started at 0420 this morning, I was immediately getting "feedback". […]
7.11.2024. Cheesecake
7.11.2024. Cheesecake
I write our daily workout on a whiteboard every morning. The daily plan is based off the monthly objectives which is derived from the yearly goal. When I see someone doing something outside of the plan, I explain to them my philosophy of baking a cheesecake. If the cake calls for half of a cup […]
7.19.2024  This Is A Long One
7.19.2024 This Is A Long One
There is no time to dick around. The average time today was roughly 70 mins and that wasn't taking many breaks. ONE person finished in under an hour, but she's a metabolic inferno. res firma mitescere nescit or...a firm resolve does not know how to weaken. Rule #67 was and still is in full effect […]
7.9.2024  I Still Get Humbled
7.9.2024 I Still Get Humbled
There are days when I feel as if I can tear the ass end off a charging rhino. Those days I feel as if I am immortal and can go on forever. But, as I always say, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plan". Well, there I was banging the reps […]
How I Train When My Back Pain Flares Up
How I Train When My Back Pain Flares Up
I hate when my back flares up. What I hate even more is laying around hoping it will get better. So I don't.
7.8.2024  No Words of Wisdom or Instruction
7.8.2024 No Words of Wisdom or Instruction
Just the workout today... Today's Training: Cycle 4-Way Neck: 1x15 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12 Leg Swing (Fwd/Bkwd): 2x10 Leg Swing (Abduction): 2x10 Support Position (Push-up): Same side knee to elbow: 2x10 Opposite side knee and elbow: 2x10 GHR: 50 reps in as few sets as possible Deficit Deadlift: 4 RM Beat last week 45-degree […]
7.3.2024. "Lincoln, Do the Thing!!!"
7.3.2024. "Lincoln, Do the Thing!!!"
It’s the 4th of July night at Mount Rushmore and all four dead presidents are gathered around a campfire having a party. They’re drinking, eating, and generally having a grand ol’ time when President Washington puts President Lincoln on the spot. W: “Hey, heyyyy, Lincoln, do that thing you do!L: “What now? What thing?” W: […]

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