Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

For Thursday 6/11/2020
For Thursday 6/11/2020
We might be able to train in the outside paddock area starting as soon as next week. I'll get conformation.
Rut Roh...Not again....Wed 6/10/2020  SUPER LEGS!!!
Rut Roh...Not again....Wed 6/10/2020 SUPER LEGS!!!
Sean O'Keefe. If it is still taking you 59 minutes, you might want to pull the tampon out and nut up!
WATCH: UYP For Powerbuilding
WATCH: UYP For Powerbuilding
How to design a powerbuilding split.
A Peek into My Prep
A Peek into My Prep
I started off 2020 with big plans.... much like the rest of the world. As quarantine hit, my physique show stayed on schedule.  I trucked along with HIIT and dieting and then 4 weeks out, they pushed it back one week. Fine.  No big deal.  Then 4 days later they canceled it altogether. Thankfully, there […]
For Tuesday 6/9/2020
For Tuesday 6/9/2020
Call and/or write Alameda County and tell them the Cornball Virus was indeed a hoax. We all got duped.
Training - Week 5 (75%)
Training - Week 5 (75%)
Week 5 done! Training hasn't been exceptional, but it's very consistent. I like that.
Lung Buster for 6/8/2020
Lung Buster for 6/8/2020
Gonna pop a heart or two as well
War Wagon 40 - Lunch With Your Favorite Degenerates
War Wagon 40 - Lunch With Your Favorite Degenerates
Powerlifting, Sports Performance and Beard Care!!
What a Difference a Week Makes
What a Difference a Week Makes
And thank God
Surviving COVID-19: what should we tell people concerning exercise and the disease?
Surviving COVID-19: what should we tell people concerning exercise and t...
You can't advise them whether to exercise or not: it will be his or hers risky choice. You can help design the most cautious approach to exercising.
Fixing My Squat: The Knees
Fixing My Squat: The Knees
Using the knees – and knee wraps – for a stronger squat.
For Friday June 5th 2020
For Friday June 5th 2020
Start bugging your county reps to push back on the Governor so we don't have to do anymore of this...
Successful Dieting, What it Takes
Successful Dieting, What it Takes
Here are a few easy steps to follow to ensure a successful diet.
For Thursday...June 4th 2020
For Thursday...June 4th 2020
Now this is getting to be ridiculous. Let's go California. Let us resume our craft.
Coaching Humanity
Coaching Humanity
...but it does make them human, and that's what we all need right now.
Wed June 3 Workout
Wed June 3 Workout
Chesticles and Tricepitoids
WHAAAAT?  Tuesday Arms???   Tuesday 6/2/2020
WHAAAAT? Tuesday Arms??? Tuesday 6/2/2020
why not? what the hell else do you have planned?
Training - Week 4 (85%)
Training - Week 4 (85%)
Week 4 in the books. Some good things happened and this train is continuing to roll forward. It better. My emergency brake is broken.
OPERATION BE LESS FAT - A Quick And Easy Weight Loss Tip
OPERATION BE LESS FAT - A Quick And Easy Weight Loss Tip
Something so easy you can implement it at your next meal.

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