Thursday's Training 5/14/2020
OK boys and girls. For the strength endurance crowd let's bang this out: 4 sets of 25 reps in this order and as fast as you can get it done. Facebook or email me the time it took to complete. I want to see where we are and what I have to have you guys […]
Athlete's Return to Campus Training Thoughts
WARNING: This is a very "train of thought" article. I put absolutely no forethought into this. I don't know how intelligible it is. The random thoughts that popped into my head came out on the page.
Pop Your Heart Wed. for 5/13/2020
It is different than last week. So don't just glance at it and not do the right things.
How to Return to Strength Training Post Covid 19
Ideas and strategies for getting back to training without getting injured.
Some positive feedback I missed on the M2 Method
Thank you for your feedback Joseph. I'm honored to have been able to help you.
Surviving COVID and respiratory therapy - adding powerlifting lifts with...
This week we added both squatting and benching starting with the empty barbell and adding 10 lbs each 3-rep set up to when I have no more squats/benches to give. It's an interesting approach that keeps a high volume at a controlled level.
How to Return to the Gym
Gyms are opening up, let's take a smart approach of getting back into things.
How to Do the Hatfield Squat
Full Zoom Personal Training Session Video with IFBB Pro/Elite Powerlifter Anne Sheehan