Training - Week 6 - Moderate
Another week under my belt. Obviously, I'm very lucky that I have the ability to train with everything going on. I'm not setting any records, but I'm just plugging along accumulating work.
Elephants, Ropes and 35lbs Dumbbells
limited not by their physical weakness, rather tethered, like the elephant, by a weakening of mind and spirit.
Scapular adduction and depression
I've always insisted on the importance of strong, powerful and isometric scapular adduction and depression movements for lifting performance.
My Garage Gym Wishlist
If I had a million dollars, this isn't what I would buy. But if I had $10,000...
Mental Health Strategies for Lifters (and everyone) during the Pandemic
I’m not a doctor, but I have common sense.
Food Rules: Necessary or Restrictive
Restrictions, diets, good food, bad food... it's so overwhelming!
ASK ME ANYTHING - April 20, 2020 - FROM IG @underthebar story. Over 100 more questions answered.