Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

7.2.2024 Outside of Your Comfort Zone
7.2.2024 Outside of Your Comfort Zone
is where all the progress takes place, and in one year from NOW you'll be glad you got that idea. Today's Training: Cycle BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps 4-way Neck: 1x12 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 High Pin Press: 3x3 with increasing weight DB Bench: 3x10 DB Fly: 3x15 DB Supine Tricep Extension/ DB Hammer Curl (super set): […]
7.1.2024 Quitting Guarantees a Loss
7.1.2024 Quitting Guarantees a Loss
Quitting is the surest way to ensure failure. Persistence, even in the face of challenges, keeps the possibility of success alive. Today's Training: Cycle 4-Way Neck: 1x12 GHR: 50 reps in as few sets as possible Deficit Deadlift: 4 RM Beat last week's number Very High Box Step Up: 40 reps on each leg starting […]
To Train Or Not To Train On Vacation?
To Train Or Not To Train On Vacation?
Like how most all training topics have more than one answer, To Train Or Not To Train On Vacation is no different.
6.28.2024  Do What You Can, With What You Have
6.28.2024 Do What You Can, With What You Have
Instead of focusing on limitations or setbacks, focus on leveraging what you have at your disposal to make progress toward your goals. Every step forward, no matter how small, contributes to your journey of growth. Today's Training: Cycle Max Effort Floor Press: 4 RM Pull-ups: 8x 1/2 as many as you can do in a […]
6.27.2024  Cellphones, Earbuds, Lack of Tolerance, and Throat Punch Thursday
6.27.2024 Cellphones, Earbuds, Lack of Tolerance, and Throat Punch Thur...
I run the gym in such a way that it allows many people to consume a small area without slowing down or running into backups. If someone hiccups and throws the rhythm off it will snowball over the hours and cause chaos throughout the day. When people begin to check their cellphones or have earbuds […]
6.26.2024   The Whole World is a Test
6.26.2024 The Whole World is a Test
Don’t let anyone ever trick you into thinking differently. Today's Training: Cycle 4-way Neck: 1x10 Ab Wheel: 4x10 "Lara" Abs: 4x10 Chin-ups super set with Zig Zag Bar Curl: 10x5 of each DB Supine (Elbows Out) Tricep Extension: 4x15 super set with Dips: 4x25 Single Arm DB Preacher Curl: 4x10 super set with Single Arm […]
6.25.2024  Do Not Allow Anyone to Bring You Back to a Level That You Have Already Surpassed.
6.25.2024 Do Not Allow Anyone to Bring You Back to a Level That You Hav...
Surround yourself with individuals who support and uplift you, rather than those who seek to undermine your progress. Today's Training: Cycle BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps Blast Strap Row: 4x25 Face Pull: 4x25 Pull-a-part: 4x25 DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20 Shrug: 3x30 Lat Pulldown: 4x10 C/S Row: 4x10 DB Pullover: 3x15 4-way Neck: […]
6.24.2024  July Marks a Format Change At West Coast Elite Strength and Conditioning
6.24.2024 July Marks a Format Change At West Coast Elite Strength and C...
We are a week away from the height of summer. For the past eight months, we have worked HARD going six days a week with a ton of volume to right our bodies for the beach and sports. It's time to pull back on those reigns because you can go hard or long, but you […]
6/21/2024  Big Sprint into a Weekend Off
6/21/2024 Big Sprint into a Weekend Off
If it seems like a lot of training was done today, it was! Often I will have my crew come in on a Saturday to Squat or Deadlift but feeling like I wanted a two day weekend preceding our Independence Day celebration, I thought we would plain old fashion "CRUSH OURSELVES"! So I combined the […]
6.20.2024  Gym Teaching
6.20.2024 Gym Teaching
Sometimes it's not teaching the technique, Sometimes it's not teaching the program I asked a group once what the"product" we were selling was. They told me that they were coaches and not salespeople. I returned with, "No...when you have an idea or a concept that you want people to take on, you are definitely "Selling" […]
Wendler's Take On Prilepin's Chart
Wendler's Take On Prilepin's Chart
I feel like I have been program hopping for a while. However, I have been following a new training program that I have developed for the better part of this year. A good portion of it is based off of Wendler's take on Prilepin's chart. I wanted to introduce it before I outline my program in the coming weeks.
6.19.2024. Squats Fix Everything
6.19.2024. Squats Fix Everything
As you get older pain will show up for no particular reason. One minute everything is fine and you go to bed satisfied and tired. You sleep a solid eight hours and when you wake up...BAM! Something is wrong somewhere. My latest experience was in the socket of my hip. I squatted with my crew […]
6.18.2024 Truth That No One Wants To Hear:
6.18.2024 Truth That No One Wants To Hear:
Today's Training: Cycle 4-way Neck: 1x8 Ab Wheel: 4x12 Max Effort Bench: 6 Rep (Beat Last Week's #) Pull-ups: 7x 1/2 the amount you can go totally bonkers getting X BW In other words, if you can do 20 reps, do seven sets of 10. If you can't do ONE pull-up, LOSE WEIGHT, and try […]
6.17.2024  If You Want to Change Your Life
6.17.2024 If You Want to Change Your Life
you have to make changes in your life. Today's Training: Cycle Weighted Sit-ups: 4x10 DB Supine Tricep Extension: 3x60 super set w/ DB Hammer Curl: 3x30 Use "Fatgripz" on the DBs 3-way Shoulder: 3x20 Front, Side, Rear Delt as a Giant Set Shrugs: 4x15 4-way Neck: Increase the weight this week 1/2 "brick" 1x8 Cycle
6.15.2024. Sometimes You Need a Good Refresher.
6.15.2024. Sometimes You Need a Good Refresher.
As Deebo would say, "Stop being a little bitch and c'mon!" When lifting heavy, there are times when you throw caution to the wind and you just have to get after it. At 66 years of age, I can come up with a lot of reasons not to add more weight to an already heavy […]
I'm Retired, Now It's Time To Really Train
I'm Retired, Now It's Time To Really Train
After 10 years in the private sector and 25 as a teacher, the time has come. I am officially retired! I'm 54 and the possibilities are endless.
6.14.2024. Pain
6.14.2024. Pain
Pain builds character, laugh at it. Instead of allowing pain to defeat you, use it as a personal growth and development catalyst. Embrace challenges and use them as a personal growth and development catalyst and setbacks as opportunities to build resilience and strength. Today's Training: Cycle Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12 Side Flex with Woodchop […]
Go All In or Get Out
Go All In or Get Out
And, Highland Games!

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