elitefts Table Talk Podcast #47 - Beginners & Powerlifting
True beginners and those new to Powerlifting.
Top 3 Things You NEED as a Coach
A few strategies to improve on with your clients. Especially useful for in person clients where there is a back and forth conversation.
Assessing a New Client
Coaching a new client requires a lot of ground work before you start so make sure you are asking the right questions and understanding your client.
Ditch The Rope- Pullovers Done Right
Remember, there is no such thing as a bad exercise, an exercise without intent is a bad exercise.
Respiratory illness and your athlete – asthma and pneumonia
Respiratory illnesses are an important concern for any coach and athlete. If you are an adult athlete, especially at the elite level, your chances of developing respiratory infections after a competitive season are not small
Leg Press vs. Hack Squat
The leg press replicates more of a back squat pattern of knees hips and back, so it should be internally stabilized as such