Orlando Barbell on local Spectrum News 13 for our Deadlifting for Doggie...
Thank you again to everyone who competed and/or donated!
Table Talk Podcast #44 - Dave Tate With Strength & Conditioning Intern
General overview of Block Training with recap of meeting we've had over the past couple weeks.
Someone once told me, always live for the little things in life.
Remember, the fragility of friendships
Training Updated
Monday Farmers Walk 20 feet up 20 feet back iNcreased weight Heavy Swing x 3 Goal was 10 times in 15 minutes, made in 1438, very hard Dips BW x max reps Belt squats x 48 total rep, with towel pull ups (goal was 12:00, made in 11:00) Increased weight Dips BW x max reps […]
The fear of squatting (in industrial societies)
Each person will squat according to their anatomic structure but 90% of the “deficiency” cases are imaginary and can be fixed in a very short time.
Should your knees travel forward on squats and lunges?
This debate has been going on for some time. Or maybe it's not anymore and I'm just old. Here's my take on the debate, with what I was exposed to.... (Note: this is just perception with a little humor. Certainly many coaches around the country had different views) Many moons ago, strength coaches worked hard […]
How to Cycle Assistance Work
Use your training age to determine how often to rotate your assistance work.
Exercise Substitutions: Use Your Noodle
Hey, my program says GHR’s but I don’t have one.
What can I do instead?
With video!
Experimenting With Some Progressions
Some different loading/progression ideas I'm toying with as I take Football through the Winter.