Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

6.13.2024  Certain Things Shouldn't Be Compromised
6.13.2024 Certain Things Shouldn't Be Compromised
I am all for spontaneity. In certain areas of life, change can be a good thing. After all, "If you always do what you've always done, you'll get what you already have". However, I have come to realize that if I don't do certain things as if they were rituals, then my day or week […]
6.12.2024   Just Today's Training...
6.12.2024 Just Today's Training...
Today's Training: GHR: 4x12 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12 BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps Dynamic Squat w/ increasing straight weight: 10x2 Dynamic Deadlift w/ increasing straight weight: 10x1 Reverse Hyper: 3x12
6.11.2024. Sometimes You Need a Hug...
6.11.2024. Sometimes You Need a Hug...
A real hard heavy hug... From a Barbell! Today's Training: Cycle 45-degree Side Ab Flex: 3x12 on each side Cable Woodchop: 3x15 on each side 4-way Neck: 1x15 Max Effort Bench: 6 RM Pull-ups: 6x 1/2 the amount you can do for a max rep set. In other words, if you can do 10 pull-ups […]
Seated Row Variations.
Groin and knee warm ups!
Big tris, big bench.
'Millions of peaches..."
6.10.2024  It Requires 300 Reps to Create a Movement Pattern...
6.10.2024 It Requires 300 Reps to Create a Movement Pattern...
It requires 300 reps to create a movement pattern, and 5000 to correct a faulty one. That's why it is so important to perfect technique BEFORE adding a shit ton of weight. The weight will come. I teach ONE skill at a time: one queue, one phrase. In that way, there is an 87% chance […]
6.7.2024. 1000 Rep Arm Day
6.7.2024. 1000 Rep Arm Day
Once a month we put the 1000 rep arm day to the test. When people look like they have legs where their arms ought to be, I know it was a good day. Today was a good day. Today's Training: 5x20 of the following (super set an odd number with an even one)
6.6.2024 Nothing But The "Program"
6.6.2024 Nothing But The "Program"
Today's Training: Cycle 2 sets of as many reps as possible in the following exercises. DB Lateral Raise DB Front Raise C/S DB Rear Delt Raise OHP: Six Rep Max Shrugs: 4x10 BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps Cycle
Today's Training: Since I didn't have the best night's sleep, I took a page out of my training manual and cut everything WAAAYYY back. Once we got to the dynamic weight, about 50% of the max lifts, I had the troops increase the weight every two sets on the squat and every set on the […]
Rely on Studies or Rely on Wisdom and Experience?
Rely on Studies or Rely on Wisdom and Experience?
I discuss why relying on studies is not the best option. Experience from trainers who have been around a long time is more valuable.
6.4.2024  Wants vs. Needs (In Training Too)
6.4.2024 Wants vs. Needs (In Training Too)
There you are, fresh outta the gym having a post-workout shake, and reading the latest post from your favorite "Internet Fitness Influencer". That influencer has told you about the latest and greatest exercise, nutritional facts, or something to help you recover. Still, it sparked your interest because you would be the next Ed Coan or […]
5.3.2024.  Boiling Water
5.3.2024. Boiling Water
"The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s what you’re made of. Not the circumstances". – Unknown Today's Training: Cycle KB Ladder:1-20 BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps 4-way Neck: 1x12 Fat Gripz DB Supine Tri Extension: 3x60 super set w/ Fat GripZ Hammer Curl: 3x30 "Kroc" Row: 2x AMRAP Lat Pulldown: 4x12 […]
Swapping Dynamic Effort For "Concerted Effort"
Swapping Dynamic Effort For "Concerted Effort"
Dymanic effort has gone far in helping me drive through sticking points. The problem is, in my fifties, driving weights too hard can be a recipe for disaster.
6.1.2024  We All Experience Hardships and Setbacks
6.1.2024 We All Experience Hardships and Setbacks
We all experience hardships and setbacks at some point in our lives. Those are the times when we have to draw on our inner strength to carry on. When everything around you feels like shit, remember that a rebirth is just a moment away. A fresh start is possible and you have what it takes […]
Make Your Deload Count
Make Your Deload Count
Deloading has become a hot topic for me. Considering it's something I'm doing once a month, it's a big part of my programming.
5.31.2024. I Know At Least One Person Needs This Right NOW!
5.31.2024. I Know At Least One Person Needs This Right NOW!
Remember this When thinking about life: no guilt can change the past, and no anxiety can change the future. That's why guilt and worry are two useless emotions. Today's Training: Cycle 4-way neck: 1x12 BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps Side Flexion using the 45-degree back extension: 4x10 Pull-up Hell: 4 hand positions on the overhead ladder […]
Program Set Up For Dummies
Program Set Up For Dummies
OK, maybe not dummies, but it doesn’t need to be complicated.

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