Warriors vs Winners
Over the weekend my son and I travelled to Arizona for a hockey tournament. It was a long five days and four nights away. Although I got some fun Father/Son time the biggest take away from the weekend is the personal time we get to spend with some of the best coaches. His current hockey […]
Shoulders: Building Boulders with Caps as Big as your Head
Growing gorgeous shoulders is more than just 3x10 lateral raises
Leg Extensions for Better Knees!
View this post on Instagram There are no bad movements! Only poor executions. I see so many people saying that leg extensions are bad for your knees and i'd argue they might be, if you're loading them incorrectly or executing them poorly. I am fairly certain @steficohen made a post on this recently but wanted […]
We can't avoid all of the struggles life throws at us, but we can choose how we react to them. Your outlook makes all the difference.
Elbows And Squatting - The Missing Link
The big takeaway should be that elbow position matters, and we must be mindful of it as a coach in order to maximize technique specific to each lifter we work with.
Online coaching, programming and analyzing movement – programming is you...
Today I will defend the argument that the only strong point an online coach has is being extremely proficient and knowledgeable in training programming
Week 1 Back to Work
Week 1 back to work and some new ideas I'm experimenting with. On the front end, I feel like a genius. We'll see how it plays out.
Weeks Training
Monday Farmers Walk 20 feet up 20 feet back Overhead tire throw Goal was 10 times in 15 minutes, made in 1415, very hard Dips BW x max reps Belt squats x 48 total rep, with towel pull ups (goal was 12:00, made in 11:38) Dips BW x max reps Sandbag Cleans 3 x 3 […]
Just Training. That is all
1/17 1 10 min walk, 1 20 min stepmill Activations Accessory work with new prototype strap material. Several sets of each: abs facepulls standing rows tricep two hand and one arm Jumpy pullups 1/16 3 10 min walks 1/15 Activations 2 10 min walks 1 lap lunge with squat buddy Used the Plow […]
Bad Ankles And Sore Knees
Sore knees and bad ankle mobility have been the downfall of many great lifters