Cardio for Powerlifters
View this post on Instagram Quick video and a challenge to you all! Do your bike sprints! And also do yourselves a favor and follow @creyes55 . . . . @scottmiller5 @kabuki_virtualcoaching @kabukistrengthlab @elitefts @bearfootathletics @leviathannutrition A post shared by Joe Sullivan (@joesullivanpowerlifter) on Jan 9, 2020 at 3:45pm PST
Congratulations to my buddy Robbie Dixon on his Special Olympics Southea...
Congratulations again to all of the lifters and coaches!
Dave Tate Advises Intern Mason Nowak
Sit down discussion with a Strength & Conditioning Intern at elitefts
My Special Olympic athlete, CJ Piantieri’s, Southeast Meet Results
Congratulations to all of the lifters and coaches!
Training - Incline
Week 1 is done! Back on track trying to hit my modest strength goals and keep my fat ass in shape.
A Few Modifications To My Full Body Minimalist Training Program
If you want to lift for a long time you have to be creative, intuitive, and flexible.
Try This SH*T - Reverse Band Press & Chain Presses.
Looking more into the Reverse Band Press and The Chain Press
Table Talk With Swede Burns
Swede and I sit down to talk about the 5th set and other things training related.
Training My Kids: Fundamentals of Youth Training
I've talked before about training my kids HERE. Specifically my daughter. She trained for a couple months, then like with any kid, we got busy. And let's face it, she lost interest. Not completely, but she wasn't begging to go like she was before. Gymnastics once a week, church youth group once a week, her […]