Did you know banks have free pens- ya, that’s bootstrapping.
Throwback to early 2000. @elitefts before being able to afford the $400/month rent our first space would cost.
Orlando Barbell’s Results at the APF Rick Lawrence Memorial
It was a great meet to commemorate Rick.
How To Pull Slack
View this post on Instagram @scottmiller5 @kabuki_virtualcoaching @kabukistrengthlab @elitefts #TEAMNOTEAM A post shared by Joe Sullivan (@joesullivanpowerlifter) on Dec 18, 2019 at 1:56pm PST
BCAA's vs EAA's What does the Science say?
Let's take a look at the common debate what is better EAA's or BCAA's
How to: Leg Drive on Your Bench
Some tips to to create better tension and leg drive for your bench press.
Starting them out young to succeed in lifting and life
Congratulations to all of the lifters! It was a great meet!
Anneville Training 8 weeks out from Battle of the Bay
Ok, I'm definitely feeling this prep now. I even threw on a recovery day. I actually rolled and stretched on my own for over an hour on my recovery day and did some light accessory work. After last week, my entire upper left side was killing me to the point I couldn't sleep. Even with […]
Meet Recap: APF Raw Power, Chicago IL
A mediocre lifting day turns amazing when a fan shows her support and causes me to rethink WHY I do what I do.
Results Of Poll Questions
Yes I did ask about things I really dislike about the industry. This was intentional because it’s part my job to keep a pulse on what the market wants - in this regard it’s not about what I want but what you want from elitefts.
Staying In Your Lane
It's hard not to train full throttle especially now in this day and age of social media.
Intensity: Bodybuilding Vs. Powerlifting
If you want to be bigger, stronger, or both — then you need to understand this.
JM Blakley and Dave Tate Discuss Powerlifting Eras and Top Benchers
Excerpt from Podcast with JM Blakley