Back From the Dead
Getting sick sucks but dealing with it the proper way can help speed up the recovery process.
Is it really so freaking complicated!?
How many times have you read that people are making training too complicated & need to just keep it simple? Is this really true or total BS?
Goblet Squats on The Belt Squat
View this post on Instagram if you struggle with balance, torso position, or actually having the belt squat feel like a squat this video is for you. . . . @scottmiller5 @kabuki_virtualcoaching @kabukistrengthlab @elitefts #TeamEliteFTS #STRONGTHESULLIVANWAY #kabukistrength #TeamKS #KSVirtualCoaching A post shared by Joe Sullivan (@joesullivanpowerlifter) on Dec 8, 2019 at 7:55am PST
3 Differences between Powerlifting and Bodybuilding
There are probably a hundred big differences, but these ones are pretty important to keep in mind if you want to get big and strong.
Training in India
Unfortunately the wifi is not letting me post a pic! Been here two days, yesterday total of 5 miles of walking Today Cluster set upper body pump workout at hotel, each cluster set is specified for reps below but done for 5 minutes (resting 15 seconds between sets) Great session considering everything! Machin Chest Press […]
One Drill For Safe Scapula
Look, I’m not saying “don’t bench” , I’m saying, minimize and mitigate the risk of injury in the bench by spending some time performing an exercise that integrates full shoulder function.
3 Ways to Fix Your Elbow Flare
The dreaded elbow flare...just like the butt wink in the squat, except WAY. MORE. SERIOUS. Flaring your elbows early in your bench (uncontrollably) is a bad deal. Not only is it putting your shoulder in a compromising position, but you're sacrificing pounds. What am I talking about? [youtube=] Mark is working with 345 […]
ASK ME ANYTHING - Nov 29, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - Nov 29th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. Over 90 more questions answered.
Training and the parents wreck themselves
11/27 Activations with Tim Tam Reverse hypers 4 pre , 2 post Dr Squat strap front squats on pit shark. Rep sets to warm up 3x8, pause/tempo for remainder 5x3 averaging 1 min a set Post that did 2 rounds of stomps for 15 sec, hold for 30 sec at top and 15 more sec […]
The Throwdown, Part II: Best Meet Ever!
Something you could hear over and over again in the crowd and in the warm-up area, "this has been the best meet ever."