Are you thankful? Or just boasting?
The real gratitude we reflect upon doesn't come from others. It is not a gift that we are given. And it’s not some new way of thinking that we don't already know. In reality, it is inherent in every human being.
Thoughts on Thanksgiving
My opinion about the topic may hold weight because I used to eat like this EVERY SINGLE DAY! To you... it's Thanksgiving. To me... it's just Thursday. I'm sort of an expert on the overeating thing.
Video Log: Murph, Aoibheann and Joe Sullivan Part 1
Joe Sullivan came by TPS today to train with us at noon, so me and Aoibheann decided to talk about things we have to be thankful for. It's a quick video in the spirit of the season, and maybe we should all carry the spirit of the season the rest of the year. Watch and […]
Blast & Dust
I don’t know you, but I do know that we all have our demons. We all have our pasts that we don’t want to deal with, and we have things that we’d rather forget. If we didn’t have these things, we wouldn’t be alive. What I’m questioning here is whether you’re alive or just living.
The Blame Game
Stop blaming other people for your situation. Learn to be accountable and in charge of your actions, and for others if you are the one managing or leading them.
Anneville Training: Peaking for The Throwdown
I utilized the Conjugate Method and my bodybuilding/hypertrophy training to gain strength and put up numbers that exceeded my own expectations.
The Best Of Old School FAQ
With over a million questions answered since 2000, here are some of the most frequent.
PROGRAM REVIEW: High Evolutionary by John Meadows
My review of the Mountain Dog's newest training program!
Sample Dynamic Effort Squat Conditioning Phase
This is a conditioning phase I have used with great success.