elitefts Table Talk Podcast #36 - Jordan Shallow
Dr. Shallow graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic West, also has 15 years of competitive sports experience, host of the @rxdradio podcast, @elitefts team member & coach. Jordan is sought out around the world for his @pre_script mobility-stability and strength courses and seminars built around correcting improper movement patterns.
“Can the Olympic Weightlifts improve powerlifting performance? Can the p...
My anecdotal observation is that the “quick lifts” (either full snatch and clean & jerk or their many variations and assistant exercises) have a strong carry-over effect to almost anything but there are considerations to be made.
The Powerlifting Warm-up Circuit That Dave Tate's Athlete's Use
Here is the exact warm up I have the group I lifters I help use. There will be modifications to this but not that often
My Favorite Gyms in the DC Area
If you're in the area for the holidays, be sure to stop by one of these gyms!
ASK ME ANYTHING - Nov 8, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - Nov 8st, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. Over 70 more questions answered.
Best Hip Flexor Stretch Of All-Time
“Tight” hip flexor is the center of a lot of controversy in the rehab and sports performance space.
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Joe Sullivan (@joesullivanpowerlifter) on Nov 8, 2019 at 9:24am PST KNOWLEDGE IS POWER..... . . . And the lack thereof is weakness!! I am sick and tired of speaking to other lifters, athletes, or coaches that simply do not know or understand how their own body […]
Training Mum, Part 1
I get a text every Sunday and every Thursday- "What time are we training tomorrow?"
Craft, Trade, Work & Purpose
I just read a statement that said something like perfection implies built-in criticism --- built-in criticism not just from ourselves and others but just from life in general.
Video: keep it coming, it’s all data
We need to know why, when and at which point in order to figure out what and how to fix it.