Work Smarter Not Harder But What About Longer?
I get the working “smarter than working harder” statement, but I think that what gets left out is the part about working long enough to know what “smart” actually is.
My Special Olympic athlete, CJ Piantieri’s, Florida State Games results
Congratulations to all of the lifters and coaches!
A four week squat cycle I will NEVER do again.
A small snapshot of what I was doing and how I was training in 1988.
Pass the Baton
If you coach, please do not co-opt your athletes' success. We have had a torch passed to us as coaches from when we ourselves were athletes. Now, it is our turn.
Training/MRI results with some this and that
Got the MRI results back and pretty much what the Chiro had said. Some slight bulging in the L4 and L5 region but nothing worth noting. He mentioned the arthritis in the mid thoracic again. Basically keep a eye on it and if something happens come back in. It was expected but more reassuring […]
Building Confidence — Here's How
True confidence is ALWAYS there when you need it, but it takes work to build. Here's how.
Pros and Cons of Specialty Bars for Dynamic Waves
Beginners should not concern themselves with this and should spend more time. FAR MORE time than they do now... working on technique.
ASK ME ANYTHING - Nov 15, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - Nov 15th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. Over 90 more questions answered.
The Most Common Causes of Hip Shift in the Squat & Deadlift
An excerpt from my Table Talk with Jordan Shallow on the hip shift.