Anneville Training Update: 7 Weeks out from The Miami Throwdown
I'm about to peak myself for The Miami Throwdown in five weeks! I'm feeling strong, healthy, and very excited to grace the platform again.
This Is Within Your Control
Not a week goes by that I’m not amazed at all the drama, fake, two-faced stuff I see, hear and read. Doesn’t matter if it’s one negative comment made about someone by a troll, or an entire group bashing down another about something that they have no control of.
My online client Leslie Kutner, 2 weeks out
She has made consistent improvements for years without serious injury.
Some Thoughts for Young Coaches/Interns/GA's
Sets, reps, teaching, psychology... and a whole bunch more stuff we need to understand as coaches.
The two weeks I beat a 19 yr old in training...
and why having someone who is close to your strength can be extremely beneficial.
Week 4 Training (all sessions)
Good week of training. I believe I've hit PR's in every workout? It's been a good cycle and it looks like I'll be able to increase my Squat and Bench training numbers in two weeks. Progress.
Realistic Expectations and Record Breakers Meet Prep
Setting realistic expectations will determine your outlook of your meet and training.
Group Training - Never Gets Old
Never get tired of reading stuff like this. Group training may have been lost but it’s not forgotten and will make a comeback when people realize how much more it can help.
The Pink Floyd guide to the strength experience
My perspective on strength training according to Pink Floyd, the best band ever, in the history of ever
Training and fell right off the curb.
10/21 Day started out not hot. Saturday I had some cortisone shots in my back to calm some of the inflammation down. Everything seemed fine. I laid off another couple days to let it do its work. Went to bed feeling okay but not great mentally from another bout of stress during the week. Woke […]
Dumping the Bucket
Your training is like filling a bucket. When it is time to give it all and dump the bucket in competition, whatever you filled the bucket up with comes pouring out. If you had shitty training, you end up with shit flowing out. If you had solid training, you'll have a bucket of gold.
I was not raised to quit!
I was a multi-sport athlete. I remember playing soccer for a few years (couldn’t breathe), leading to a few weeks in a bubble in the hospital (Pneumonia), and then years of weekly allergy shots and an irregular heartbeat.
KAOS Seminar
View this post on Instagram Had a hell of a day teaching some folks how to lift a little bit better, and hopefully be a little bit stronger! Thank you so much to @kaosgym @ben_kaoscoach for having me! I'm incredibly fortunate to be so very welcomed in such a beautiful place. Rough time getting my […]