Meathead Mobility: Lower body warm up
My 10 minute warm up routine for lower body days, hitting different ROM's and planes that most powerlifters forget about.
ASK ME ANYTHING - Oct 10, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - Oct 10th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 80 more questions answered.
Check: Goals, Strategies, and Tactics
Go your way. Create your own strategy. Find a new way. It may take you a long time, and cost you a fortune, but that is of no import. You will be where you want to be and you will have a better story to tell.
Anneville News: Women's Day recap and training with Iron Bound Barb...
The best way to get over your life is to start caring about others.
Dave Tate's 1040lb Squat & Puke Session
Dave Tate's 1040lb Squat & Puke Session - - with the reverse bands this is really... like... 185 at the top, 95 pounds in the bottom and 640 in the middle. LOL
Commit to the Process and Record Breakers Meet Prep
Being able to fully commit to the process will give you quality data that you can use to keep refining your program and allow you to build for the future. You can't build anything if you keep jumping around all the time.
Table Talk - Doug Heath
I sat down with 8x WPC World Champion Doug Heath to discuss training and competing in the early years of Powerlifting
Powerlifting: After the Meet. What should you do?
If you can train the Monday after you did it wrong
Monday Training: Week 3/Day 1 and Day 2
Good beginning to my week. Set a few PR's and put some work behind me. The tweaks in training are leading to my feeling better all around.
Is the Coaching Style Meeting the Athlete's Needs?
Your one style of teaching might not be reaching the style of learning