5.10.2024 We Build TEAMS
The acronym for TEAM is "Together Everyone Achieves More". I firmly believe that and have worked quite hard in the development of "MY TEAM" or my community. Over the many years that I've been coaching, I felt that making a community was one of the most important things I could do for my people. (YES, […]
5.9.2024. Far Better to be Strong
"It is far better to be strong than good-looking and useless." ~ Lilith Saintcrow. Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up 4 "Lara" Abs: 4x12 Spider Walk: 5x3 Kettle Bell Lateral Raise: 4x15 use the swing and momentum Blast Strap Face Pull: 4x15 OHP: 3x30 Shrug: 4x10 BOSU Sit-up: 125 Cycle
5.8.2024 Soft People
Soft people ruin my day. I mean, REALLY...How can your day be so bad and it isn't even 0500? You're in a gym among good people. The music is set on the right playlist, and we are doing feaking DEADLIFTS. If you look for problems, you will find them! If you look for happiness, you […]
5.7.2024 Bringing the Thunder.
I have to break the groups of people that train with me into smaller sub-groups in order to move things along without bottlenecking or to accommodate different people's special needs. I do it mostly by height, and then by strength. Setting the rack for one height and then having to move J-hooks or spotting pins […]
5.6.2024 A True Champion...
When coming face to face with his darkest hour, a true champion will do whatever it takes to rise above. Today's Training: Cycle New Daily: Lat Pulldown: 5x10 C/S Row: 5x10 DB Row: 3x30 DB Hammer Curl w/ Fat Gripz: 5x10 EZ Curl Bar Preacher Curls w/Fat Gripz: 5x10 "Jackson" Abs: 4x10 Ab Wheel: 4x10 […]
Your Body Will Betray You
If you are training hard, it's unreasonable to think your body will not betray you.
5.4.2024. On Saturday We Squat
I had a laugh when I watched this guy, (I don't know his name) do a social media gig where he is on a piece of equipment and does a rhyme of some sort..." On Friday we do arms, because if you want (has a name for a part of the male anatomy) to do […]
5.3.2024 1000 Rep Arm Routine and The Weekend.
Don't let your weekend become your weak end. Stay disciplined and keep your goal in the front of your mind! Today's Training:Cycle BOSU Sit-up: 125 reps "Lara" Abs: 4x12 5x20 of the following:
5.2.2024 Live Life Like a Muscle Fiber
We talking about living life the way we should early this morning. Some people come in at 4:30 AM half to fully asleep. Those were the good ones. Then some didn't make it in at all. Those that were there got an early dose of my bullshit. When I asked if it was too early, […]
5.1.2024 Anything Worth Doing...
Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards and pussies. Today's Training: Cycle KB Ladder Ab Wheel: 4x12 GHR: 5x12 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12 Leg Curl: 5x12 45-degree Back Extension: 5x12 Dynamic Deadlift: One per minute until the speed slows down. We got to 30 minutes before the explosiveness left. Cycle
My New Favorite Wendlerism
Over the years I have learned many training lessons from Jim Wendler. This is one I think everyone should learn from.
4.30.2024 You Have Choices
Every single thing you do is a matter of choice. You can approach your choice with trepidation or attack it with reckless abandon and feverish perversion. With every choice comes rewards or consequences. By not making a choice, you have made one. Every choice you make makes who you are. CHOOSE WISELY! Today's Training: Cycle […]
4.29.2024 Failure vs. Greatness
"A man is great not because he hasn't failed; a man is great because failure hasn't stopped him" ~ Confucius Today's Training: Cycle Kettlebell Ladder: 1-20 C/S Row: 4x12 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12 Low Cable Row: 4x12 Oblique Side Flex: Use the45-degree back Extension 4x12 Lat Pulldown: 4x12 BOSU Situps: 100 Fat Gripz Hammer […]
4.27.2024 Work'n The Weakness
Saturday probably should be renamed, "Squatted Today" since that's what we do early before doing anything else. Embracing "Work the Weakness", I focus on the group's need to brace harder and to open the hips more. To do this, and make it fun, I love adding "Windchime Squats" What are Windchime Squats? Well, we use […]