Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Want to learn how I gained 56 pounds in five weeks? Check this out.
Some great training sessions!
Focus On Strength Over Weakness
Focus On Strength Over Weakness
A lot of people will tell you to focus on your weakness, but there's another answer.
Time Flies
Time Flies
This video was a great reminder of all this. If you have your own business, money has to matter, but it doesn’t have to be the main driver for why you work as hard as you do.
A Study on the Effects of Foam Rolling as a Recovery Tool
A Study on the Effects of Foam Rolling as a Recovery Tool
Don't throw away your foam rollers just yet there might be some use for them after all.
ASK ME ANYTHING - Oct 4, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - Oct 4, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - Oct 4th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 79 more questions answered.
Brutal Old School EliteFTS Leg Workout
Brutal Old School EliteFTS Leg Workout
John Meadows makes another visit out to train legs.
Short Term Sacrifice for Long Term Gain and Record Breakers Meet Prep
Short Term Sacrifice for Long Term Gain and Record Breakers Meet Prep
Sometimes you have to take a few steps back to make long term progress, why can some people do this and others can't?
Time Under Tension- A Variant Variable
Time Under Tension- A Variant Variable
Time under tension is a full sale inquisition of correct exercise selection, machine selection, and proper tempo designation.
A product that can correct your bench technique and increase your hip mobility?
A product that can correct your bench technique and increase your hip mo...
I wouldn’t have gone through the effort of research and development if this wasn't something that I believed in
Kinesiophobia: when your boys and girls are scared of a movement that hurt them before
Kinesiophobia: when your boys and girls are scared of a movement that hu...
If you are an athlete, first, don’t be ashamed if you feel scared to resume the movement where you got hurt and don’t underestimate the “mental barrier”. If you are a coach, all I can say is that sooner or later it will happen to one of your boys and girls.
Training and riding that back rehab train without the cocaine
Training and riding that back rehab train without the cocaine
So for three months I have had a issue with my right mid erectors after a pretty good rack pull.  It was working its way out prior to that but this particular lift was the one I noticed the most swelling on.  It kept a high neural tone(lumpy really) It did not impede anything at […]
Wednesday Training: Week 1/Day 2
Wednesday Training: Week 1/Day 2
Getting in a routine with the training set up and moving forward.
Sometimes The Best Way to Say Something
Sometimes The Best Way to Say Something
is to say nothing at all.
Do You Really Need a Trophy?
Do You Really Need a Trophy?
Or do you just want to lift?
Another Goblet Squat Variation
Another Goblet Squat Variation
Seek stability and you will find strength
Fully Inhabiting The Moment
Fully Inhabiting The Moment
Try to take six breaths without thinking of a past or future event. You are fine. You are OK. Right here and right now is pretty good, is it not?
How To Train Your Back
How To Train Your Back
How Dan Green and Andrew Herbert Train Back Weekly
Just How Hardcore are You?
Just How Hardcore are You?
Apparently, I am not

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