Nine Things You MUST Have to Train
If you don't have these, you might as well not even set foot in the gym.
A Daily Routine for Recovery: Part 3
I thought I'd write about stress, since that's why I didn't get this article done in a timely fashion.
The Last Set - Leg Press & The Mystery Man
This is another "last set" video but take special notice of the 4:40 time stamp. The best part of this is the filming never stopped.
The Goblet Squat
View this post on Instagram The goblet squat is one of the most underrated exercises for both movement correction and hypertrophy. As a positional movement it forces the athlete to remain upright through demand of the weight being used. If the athlete pitches forward due to balance issues or weakness, the dumbbell or kettlebell will […]
Here you go. Pictures from my real life.
I’ve always said to take care of and build solid relationships with those who will be closest to your casket when you pass.
Redo: Monday Training: Week 1/Day 1
Redo on Week 1. Some good training talk over the weekend led to some more tweaks in what I'm doing. Revisiting my summer training set-up with some minor tweaks. This led to 3 FBB Bench PR's today.
Adapting to Change and Record Breakers Meet Prep
Adjusting to a new schedule can be tough on the body, try to avoid these pitfalls and be prepared so that your performance doesn't dip while your body is adjusting.
The day Jim Wendler Made Me Take a 60 Pound PR
This was my second or third shirt session of this training cycle, and I did 640 for an easy 5 pound 1-Board Shirt PR. Jim convinced me into taking a ride with 700.
Study on Deadlift vs. Squat: Which One is More Fatiguing?
The debate of deadlift versus squat which one demands more is finally getting looked at and I think the results may surprise a few people.
ASK ME ANYTHING - Sept 28, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - Sept 28th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 61 more questions answered.
THIS is what it feels like to break 230 Pounds!
Distention, gas, choking down food and being miserable
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #29 - Dave Tate's Simple Conjugate Trai...
This one covers the items I left out of the first - and - answers more questions.
Anneville Training: Training around lower back pain
Utilizing pre and rehab modalities and noninvasive therapies have kept me from having to resort to pills, needles, and surgery.