18 Years Ago Today
I don’t believe I’ve ever written what I was doing when the Towers came down eighteen years ago.
What is Dynamic Correspondence and Record Breakers Meet Prep
Finding the right exercise that builds up your main lifts is crucial to making progress in this sport. It is also crucial for longevity in it as well. Pick the right exercise for you and not what everyone else is doing.
Dave Tate Helping Ashley Petro Dial In Her Squat
As you will see everyone needs to be coached a little differently.
Shout Out To T-Nation
He told me he didn’t care if I voice recorded it, wrote it on a napkin, or just called him on the phone. He would help get me get it out.
Coaching, teaching and teaching coaches – part 5: grip training
As in the odd objects course, I created stations according to movement type: squeezing, pinching, static holds, finger extension, and forearm.
Training Week 4
Week 4 of training was solid. Making progress in my plan (can't progress until I hit all 3 weeks for 10 reps). The challenge of being in-season is tough, but expected. Just keeping the train on the tracks.
My Special Olympian athlete, CJ Piantieri’s training, 2 Weeks out
This is how we set up his training leading into the meet
ASK ME ANYTHING - Sept 6, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - August 24th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. Close to 100 more questions answered.
Stress Management and 10 Weeks Out from Record Breakers
Stress plays a huge role in how you can recover but is it how you perceive stress that matters the most. Also recapping week 3 of meet prep for Record Breakers
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #27 - Dave Tate Advises Intern Zach Thayer
Business, Some Training, Education and Life
Throwback to s4 Compound
We had to get out of s3 because the propane heat bill was no joke. Between the rent, heat and the grass cutting, it was very poor research on my part and we had to make a change.