3/6/2024. Squats and Chocolate Milk
I am a big fan of the Hawaiian islands. My destination of choice has been Maui until recent fires move me over to Kaui this year when I get a break to go. I digress... Upon my return to Lahina, I always get to see a couple of "street people" that I've befriended over the […]
3/29/2024 1000 rep Arm Day
It's that time of the month! One time every 30 days we set aside a day, usually a Friday to perform 1000 reps for the arms only. Today was that day! Today's Training: 5x20 of the following exercises: When you feel like dying, do 10 more. This will work if you work this.
These Rules Are Not Flexible, Nor Am I
I run a very tight program in my gym. I have a list of rules that I made up over the 55 years of experience that I have within the confines of "Athletic Preparation" most of which keep people from injuring themselves. If it can make you permanently disfigure or kill you, I've done it. […]
3/27/2024. Face Your Fears and Wipe Your Tears
Every day be 5% stronger than yesterday. Today's Training on Minimal Sleep: Cycle KB Ladder:1-20 with a maximal breath rate of 10. From the 10 rep swing on up to the 20, take no more than 10 nose breaths. GHR: 5x12 Fat Bar Pin Pull vs. Mini Bands: 6 RM This was a lot of […]
3/26/2024 Seven Days...
Seven days without me makes one weak! See what I did there? I should make this a t-shirt... Today's Training: Cycle 2x10 of the following as a warm-up: Air Squat Blast Strap Row Split Squat Push-up Face Pulls Cat/Camel Fire Hydrants 300 reps in as many sets as necessary before leaving the gym. So I'd […]
3/25/2024 Never Quit!
You never let quitting enter your mind as it is a sickness, and it will weaken you. Today's Training: Cycle KB Ladder: 1-20 Mt. Dog Row:5x10 C/S Row: 5x10 Lat Pulldown: 5x10 Fat Grip Hammer Curl: 4x10;1x30 but heavy. Do them without stopping even as they become "partial" reps Reverse Grip Zig-Zag Bar Curl: 3x20x […]
Do You Science Too Much?
Training used to be so easy. You looked at a magazine article or what your buddies were doing. Now you're constantly barraged wtih new info.
3/23/2024 The Crippling (What Fun!!!)
Today's Training: Kettle Bell Ladder Warm-up: Start with a 20 kg KB swing it one time and put it down. Take ONE nose breath. Then swing it two times. Put it down and take TWO nose breaths. Follow it up with three swings and three breaths, then four and four, 5x5, and progress it until […]
3/22/2024 NO! You Don't Know...
When I'm in the middle of a good "chewing out" or giving someone some heated information and they answer me with, "I know, I know, Coach" to shut me up, I come back with "NO! You don't know. To know and not to do, is not to know. Because you didn't do it, you DON'T […]
And We're Back! 3/21/2024
Holy Buckets! I didn't realize how many people were reading my Coaching Log. After the site went down, many contacted me on my social media pages and I was quite surprised as to the number of people who were getting their training program AND buying into my warped sense of humor. I feel blessed! So […]
“If you’re capable of sending a legible text message between sets, you p...
– Dave Tate The only devices allowed in my gym are to answer your spouse or kid. Otherwise, I see if it is "Selkow tested tough" based on high impact. Today's Training: GHR: 5x12 Squat: 4 RM Low Box, SSB Yoke Bar Rep Squat: 5x15
1000 Rep Arm Day
Once a month we implement the 1000 rep arm routine that is listed below. It never fails to BLOW up the arms for that Friday "PUMP" We fellas think that the ladies will dig when they see it. Frankly, every woman that I have asked hasn't cared that much whether the guys' arms are jacked […]
Happy vs Unhappy
I am generally a fairly upbeat person. I enjoy other people's successes and find something good in every performance. Yes, I will judge and critique but only to help a person improve. I tend to smile more than I frown. Since I ride my bike to and fro from the gym as I commute daily, […]
Do not Merely Survive
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with passion, compassion, humor, and style. ~Maya Angelou Today's Training: GHR: 5x12 super set with Single Straight Leg Med Ball Toe Touch: 5x5 on each leg. Make sure to reach out in front of your toes to the floor. […]
Die vs. Buried
“Some people die at twenty-five and aren’t buried until they are seventy-five.”– Benjamin Franklin Today's Training: Mobility/Flexibility Incline Cable Fly: 5x12 Dynamic Bench w/ pause on the chest: 10x3 Max Rep Bench: 1xAMRAP Banded Pushdown (single arm) 5x25 Dips: 5x15
Having Trouble With Fatigue... Frontload Your Big Lifts
While I do not lament getting older, I do hate having to regulate my training. Not that long ago I just remember going balls to the wall every session.
"Success Hugs You In Private"
"Failure slaps you in public. When you fail, you will find everyone criticizing you. People who don’t know you will form opinions about you. The bad news about you spreads faster than the good news. Your success will also be cherished, but not as much as your failures. That’s life." Today's Training: Mobility and Flexibility […]