Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

4.26.2024  Single Task
4.26.2024 Single Task
When I was in college, a hundred years ago, I went "downtown" one Saturday night to a place of libation and mockery. While there with my friends, I decided to give a new game a try. It was an arcade game in the corner of the bar that went by the name, "Defenders". Dropping quarters […]
4.25.2024  America is FAT!
4.25.2024 America is FAT!
I just got back from a vacation in Kauai, Hawaii. Now and again we all need a bit of downtime to replenish our "power packs", and this one came at a great moment for me. I don't know about everyone who reads my Coaching Log, and their motivation for doing what they do in a […]
A Day Off Won't Kill You
A Day Off Won't Kill You
I can't believe it has come to this, however, as the saying goes "Adapt or die!" I took a day off and lived to tell about it.
Aloha MFers!  4.17.2024
Aloha MFers! 4.17.2024
I'm about to drop off the grid for a much-needed edge sharpening. The last time I went to my roots (Some place tropical or third world, hopefully, both) was pre-pandemic. It's not that I don't enjoy the boogers out of what I do, but even God took a rest on the 7th day. So I […]
Vacation Strength Training Options
Vacation Strength Training Options
Hey Coach, I’m on vacation. What do I do?
4.16.2024.  Nothing Gets My Attention Like What's Right In Front of Me.
4.16.2024. Nothing Gets My Attention Like What's Right In Front of...
I am constantly being bombarded with questions, answers, wants, and desires. Often all at the same time from many sources. A lot of people seeing that are ultra-polite will excuse themselves and pull out of a conversation simply to allow another person to ask a question. This is where I will tell the story of […]
4.15.2024. Winners Embrace Hard Work
4.15.2024. Winners Embrace Hard Work
"Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off they’re making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that’s the difference." – Lou Holtz Yeah, I was going to add more, but Coach Holtz said it all already. Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up #2 2x10 of the following: […]
4.13.2024  Some Sessions Are Better When You Leave Your Expectations At The Door.
4.13.2024 Some Sessions Are Better When You Leave Your Expectations At ...
This was a tough week. I had taken two days off from going to the gym with what I thought was a cold and then allergies kicked in with a spring that went from zero to 120 mph in a day. I then added my sprint running three times per week which proved to be […]
4.12.2024   Shoulder Smoke
4.12.2024 Shoulder Smoke
The key to this workout is to grab a LIGHT weight and once you begin, DON'T stop during the set. You certainly can rest between sets of 100, but those 100 reps are consecutive. Remember, if you have to go through hell, do it quickly! Today's Training: Cycle Warm-up: 2x10 of the following: DB Lateral […]
TEAM SKIP YouTube Channel
TEAM SKIP YouTube Channel
My plans for my TEAM SKIP YouTube Channel
Increase Your VO2 Max by Doing a Kettlebell Swing Ladder
Increase Your VO2 Max by Doing a Kettlebell Swing Ladder
You can increase your VO2 max by doing a kettlebell swing ladder by picking a weight in which you can comfortably execute 20 reps. After one rep, put the weight on the ground and take a single breath through your nose. Then pick the weight back up, do two more reps, set it down again, […]
My Recovery Check-In
My Recovery Check-In
Since recovery has been an ongoing concern with my training I have developed this preparedness matrix. I go through it before my first workout of the week every Monday.
I Stay Away Not For My Well Being But For Yours 4.10.2024
I Stay Away Not For My Well Being But For Yours 4.10.2024
This is Day 2 and I haven't gone to work due to a "bug" that is going around and I have. Piggybacking off of yesterday's log, I don't get sick very often, and normally I can "gut" anything out. Feeling a bit under the weather will inspire me to get back to normal as soon […]
You Can't Out Train An Illness. 4.9.2024
You Can't Out Train An Illness. 4.9.2024
Rarely do I get sick suffer from a virus or die suddenly. Maybe it happens once a year if at all. Even during the pandemic, I suffered no issues. If and when I DO feel a bit under the weather, I use the 20-minute rule of Harry checking his gauges. I'll do 20 minutes of […]
4.8.2024.  Hustle For The Muscle
4.8.2024. Hustle For The Muscle
A year from now you'll be happy you had started today, although it's a slow process, quitting won't speed it up. Today's Training: Cycle C/S Row: 4 RM Cable Row: 4 RM Lat Pulldown: 4 RM Pull-up: 2x50 in four different hand positions using FATGRIPZ Cycle
My BFF, CJ Murphy, and His Badassery. 4.6.2024
My BFF, CJ Murphy, and His Badassery. 4.6.2024
C.J. Murphy ("Murph") and I have been friends for over a decade and change. There are a lot of blowhards in the fitness world and I will read or listen to most, but I subscribe to very few. Murph always includes me in his training logs and tomfoolery which is a source of much of […]
4.5.2024  Science vs. Intuition
4.5.2024 Science vs. Intuition
There is a lot of science today regarding every single movement that can be trained. There's a better way to squat, bench, deadlift, curl, sit up, run, and walk for goodness sake. Science has made bike riding more efficient and complicated to go along with that efficiency. Do your shoulder presses with your elbows forward […]

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