Am I Doing These Right? - Chair Deadlifts
"Can I try sumo?" I think this is one of the top 3 questions I get as a coach. And in most cases I'm more than happy to get that ball rolling with them, even if they never pull sumo in competition, it can make them better. One of my go-to's for teaching the sumo […]
All I Needed To Know About Life, I learned In The Gym - Leadership
In general, most people do not want to be managed but do want to be led. I’ve been around enough “leaders” to know I have much to learn, but also something to offer.
1000 rep day no matter which Tier
“Cowards never start. The weak never finish. Winners never quit.” In a situation where your fitness level is not where you want it to be and your negative thoughts are getting the best of you, you have a choice. You can let the negative thoughts take over and drain you of energy, or you […]
You were a born artist!
Exactly at what point did all of us decide to stop doing things ourselves and just SPECTATE and let only a select few do it for us?
Powerlifting OR Bodybuilding
During the time between my Pro debut and my competing in four meets my first year, there was a resounding voice from people, "she used to be a bodybuilder." Like it is now a thing of my past.
Range of Motion- Strength vs Size
There is a fundamental difference between a range of motion of a muscle and a range of motion of a joint.
Looking To Build Your Upper Back?
Looking to build your upper-back? Stay tighter on the bench? Stop from rounding on the deadlift? Sick of falling over out of the bottom of the squat?
This might be something to look into.
High Frequency Body Part Training - is it for you?
Off-season is a time to bring up your weak points. Can higher frequency training help?
The independent strength (and conditioning?) coach: practice ground and ...
. There’s more to learn in one day in any of these places than in a lifetime as a personal trainer for shape, beauty or even strength for strength’s sake