Ed Coan and Dave Tate Discuss Training Weak Points
Excerpt about weak point training from a Q and A I did with Ed Coan at Omaha Barbell Club
Staying on Track
Here is a SWIS Video Clip with Dave Tate discussing how he focuses for the long term in business versus going after trends and having to rebrand all the time...brilliant ...1 minutes 22 seconds long.
We have done alot of seminars and workshops over the years but the Be Activated with Douglas Heel is one of the best we have went too. This time it was hosted by our friend JL who created RPR(Reflexive Performance Reset) with Cal Dietz and Chris Korfist as the other two founders. The Be Activated […]
Congratulations to the Orlando Barbell Team!
Congratulations everyone! You did great and represented OBB well!
Training Updates, Biggest Bench ever on American Soil!
BOOM, biggest bench ever in the US, oh yeah, my training is going well too :)
ASK ME ANYTHING - Aug 1, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - August 1st, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 77 more questions answered.
Conjugate Hypertrophy Training Week 7
Anne Sheehan is an IFBB pro bodybuilder who's been giving powerlifting her all. As a dual athlete and recovering alcoholic, her goal is to help others on the stage, platform, and with addiction. Her motto is “We can’t keep what we don’t give away,” truly embodying the elitefts code of live, learn, and pass on.
Case Study of Reverse Dieting Part II
Another look at a nutrition client's progress from being drastically underfed to now being up 1500-2000 calories and didn't gain any weight.
For those who missed my Table Talk podcast with Justin Harris, here are some of the pictures of me when I was working with him.
Coach Cuthbert Strength Chat Podcast With Dave Tate
For this weeks Strength Chat, it was an absolutely epic episode. In this episode I had the opportunity to chat with a powerlifter who competed at the elite level across mutiple weight classes and the Co-Founder of EliteFTS, Dave Tate.
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #22 - Justin Harris
Great catching up with Justin. Where has he been? What was he up to? What is he doing now? All this and more...