Ed Coan and Dave Tate Discuss Training Frequency
What is the optimal number of times per week a lifter should train?
Conjugate Hypertrophy Training Week 6
Conjugate/hypertrophy Training Week 6 TRAINING WEEK 6 SUNDAY: DE LOWER MONDAY: ME UPPER TUESDAY: ME LOWER THURSDAY: DE UPPER I finally got my shoulder looked at. Apparently, the pain I've been experiencing is a result of arthritis, osteophytes and a returned bone spur (that was removed 15 years ago). "It's […]
GRIP STRENGTH- The Original Biometric
he good old days, days long before step goals and calorie trackers, sleep apps and “readiness” scores. How did we ever get by in the archaic ages of the early 2000s...
Great lifters don't always make good coaches
There are a lot of good coaches, take your time and find yours!
Table Talk #21 - Back To The Roots With The QA Format
You asked, I answered. While the guests are great I will always come back to the original QA format as much as I can because I know it helps at least one person.
Lifting Some Of This And Some Of That
Joe Sullivan elitefts Coach and Athlete in the final push for 2019 Boss of Bosses
Would You Hire Yourself
The takeaway is, regardless of the position, you always need to be building your skills or you will be demoted, replaced or go out of business.
Football Season Training: The Real Strength Coach Workout
Let's look good on the sidelines this year.
GOING There Is The Point
We will spend countless days and hours and even years TRAVELING TO our goals. And in one moment we ARRIVE. That is one sweet moment, to be sure, but it is unbelievably brief. Bask in it all you like, but it will pale and fade.
ASK ME ANYTHING - July 26, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - July 26th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 78 more questions answered.