Talent, “movement for all” and the coach
Over-emphasizing talent and dividing people into those who have and are, therefore, allowed into the playground of sport, and those who haven’t and are excluded is wrong at the school level, at the “generic” gym level and only right at elite competitive sport level.
"We want our members training with the BEST equipment which is why we keep both our gyms fully loaded with @elitefts! Our loyalty & respect to that company made the decision easy to put a mural of @underthebar up for some added motivation!"
Where Are They Now?
They were serious, hardcore and Powerlifting IS Life. If you have been around more than a decade think of how often we see this cycle.
Biometrics and Behaviour Change with Paul Onied [PODCAST]
Trading in the usual suspects of Verkhoshanaky and Zatsiorsky, for authors like Nietzsche and Freud.
My training partner Stephen keeps getting stronger
Although my body isn’t working right, this at least shows my program still does.
Box Squats Suck & I've Been Teaching Them For Over 20 Years
I just realized I have been teaching the Box Squat for over 20 years. The video in this post with Matt Smith was posted first in 99 - taken down and reloaded in 2000. These 20 years do not include all the seminars before we filmed the one with Matt for the Seminar VHS set (yep, before DVD's). First that
Weeks 1-3 Youth Athlete Program
Free program! 3 weeks of what my 12 year old started with to introduce her to strength movements