Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Adaptation is the Key to Survival
Adaptation is the Key to Survival
View this post on Instagram Adaptation is how an individual remains competitive for years and years, and even further than that, how they remain present. I cringe every time I hear a friend, training partner, or acquaintance make a jump, do set after set, or endure chronic injury after chronic injury just because it's what […]
The "Ogre" lives inside
The "Ogre" lives inside
and today I let him out to play
Client Coaching: Dan Dalenberg 2019 USPA Nationals Training
Client Coaching: Dan Dalenberg 2019 USPA Nationals Training
"I was very well prepared." - 'stoic' Dan Dalenberg
Do You Overestimate Your Value?
Do You Overestimate Your Value?
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #20 - Alwyn Cosgrove, Christian & Julia Anto
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #20 - Alwyn Cosgrove, Christian & Julia ...
We talk training, business, life, eat Pizza and then it’s rains so bad I’m not sure the mics are working. We are then joined by a couple guests and talk about more things.
The Golden Aesthetics Training Camp
The Golden Aesthetics Training Camp
August is going to be fun. Read more to find out why.
Max Effort Method 101 & More
Max Effort Method 101 & More
Almost everything you will ever need to know about the Maximal Effort Method.
Recovery Road to IFBB Pro
Recovery Road to IFBB Pro
“If I can do this, what else can I do?” The first thought that entered my mind in the morning after I turned Pro. I have an elite total my first year in powerlifting. I at myself the question again. I cannot tell you how many times I quit. How many times I’ve said, “it’s […]
Strength is a Product of Struggles.
Strength is a Product of Struggles.
Strain is good. Huge strain is extremely good.
Staying the Course
Staying the Course
Staying the course is hard but it will pay off in the end
Message to Youth Sport Parents
Message to Youth Sport Parents
When considering your child and how you act at the field, court, or rink, it is important to note that your kid should strive to be one of the top FIVE players on the team. If your kid isn't one of the TOP five by the coaches standard (not your opinion) then be happy they […]
Coaching Meana – Meet Week
Coaching Meana – Meet Week
If everything goes as planned Meana has a good chance of breaking 4 PRs again at this meet.
The coach as an anthropologist of unknown cultures
The coach as an anthropologist of unknown cultures
Certain individuals, however, deviate from their environment’s mainstream body culture and create a symbolic cocoon for themselves. They embody their own unique movement culture and we, as coaches, must observe and interpret that culture if we are asked in.
The Deadlift Heard Around The World
The Deadlift Heard Around The World
Robert Oberst's Criticism of the Deadlift with thoughts from Jim Wendler, Matt Rhodes, Vincent Dizenzo and Myself.
We talked, ate, broke balls, and even lifted.
A Butter Dish, An Appple & A Bad Idea
A Butter Dish, An Appple & A Bad Idea
Well, I got a butter dish and filled it up with water. I put an apple in the middle of it and put it into the freezer overnight.
 ASK ME ANYTHING - July 19, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - July 19, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - July 19th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 73 more questions answered.
Periodization and My Training
Periodization and My Training
Periodization! My theory and application--Great session today!
Conjugate Hypertrophy Training Week 5
Conjugate Hypertrophy Training Week 5
Conjugate/hypertrophy Training Week 5 TRAINING WEEK 5 WEDNESDAY: DE UPPER   THURSDAY: DE LOWER   FRIDAY: UPPER MAX   SATURDAY: ED COAN SEMINAR  Nothing like starting the week on a Wednesday! I’m getting away from the pin presses a bit for bench to try to work on my range of motion. DE UPPER wasn’t going […]
Training and Candy Cardio
Training and Candy Cardio
7/20 1 30 min walk Did alot of specific activations to chekc firing patterns and breathing.  More on this later. I was going to work on some kind of lifting to get back into the breathing while training. All week been practicing with a small amount of water held in the mouth to keep me […]

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