Respect This!
You know who you are as I’m posting because I’m told by others this sane stuff happens to them all the time.
This Table Talk Is One You Don't Want To Miss
While I'm out of town on Business & Pleasure there are VERY few people I would feel comfortable handing the Table Talk over to while I'm away. These may be the only three people I would be 100% comfortable with - and they are all on the same one.
Study on Partial Range of Motion
A cool study on the benefits of partial range of motion exercises on muscle hypertrophy.
ASK ME ANYTHING - July 12, 2019
ASK ME ANYTHING - July 12th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 73 more questions answered.
Where it began
Sheehan was modified from "O'Sheehan" when my family came to this country from Ireland. There are many Irish jokes that are popular because they're mostly true for most Irish people. One of these stereo-typical traits is alcoholism. We all know I inherited that one. Another is we fight. The "Fighting Irish." About all kinds of […]
Conjugate / Hypertrophy Training Week 4
Conjugate/hypertrophy Training Week 4 TRAINING WEEK 4 WEDNESDAY: DE UPPER THURSDAY: DE LOWER FRIDAY: UPPER MAX MONDAY: LOWER MAX Well, it was a good week. Numbers are going up. The workload is too as I’m adding sets and exercises. The shoulder feels like ground beef. It’s interesting how the pain moves […]
There is a battle for sure going on in a sporting event and I am in no way minimizing that. I simply feel it is going too far to call it a war. Maybe a which there are "fighters", but no war.
You reap what you sow
Cats are stupid, right? Well, I see humans do both of these each day and I know for a fact that you reap what you sow.
“Coach, I came up with a cold: should I change the intensity of today’s ...
What the athlete should NOT do is “push through” infection or a sign that a major musculoskeletal injury is probable.
Ex-NFL Players Want To Be Skinny Too
Here's an example of what I've been doing with John Malecki, a Buddy Morris disciple.