Training and my philosophy!
How to accomplish more volume in less time, the Tijuana Show Down and my Training
RANT: Powerlifting IS MY LIFE!
You words tell one story but your actions another. Are you just ignorant or lazy?
I preface today's post with, THESE are MY views and may not reflect...
so even if they might be, Don't hold them accountable to what I say
What’s the Difference?
Two seemingly similar bars, but very different.
Wanna get strong, fast and injury proof?
Read this.
Meana's Meet Prep – 4 Weeks out
Even after dealing with some painful inflammation, Meana is right back on track.
ASK ME ANYTHING - June 29th, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. 108 more questions answered.
elitefts Table Talk Podcast #17 - Cailer Woolam
I sat down with Cailer Woolam while he was in town and we knocked out this Podcast.
Max Effort Work and Back Down Sets
As a self-coached athlete, Vincent Dizenzo held an all-time world record in the bench press and was a top ten ranked lifter for over a decade. He has benched 600 or more raw in three different weight classes and has a 900 equipped bench to his credit. Now Vincent is focused on becoming a more fit version of himself.
Pre-Workout Gua Sha for Gains
An underrated tool for preworkout mobility that you can do in five minutes or less.
A person's CHARACTER means more to me than anything.
Tell me again how backward the sport is moving?
A Person w/ A Theory ...
Harry was formally the strength and conditioning coach of the Arizona Sundogs (NHL/Central Hockey League) as well as for the Bradshaw Mountain High School football program. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in multitude of sports over the course of the last 37years. Harry is currently working at Combat Sports Academy in Dublin, California.
When the skill doesn’t stick or is lost: two stories and their strategie...
Understanding the foundations of motor skill learning allows the coach to create a strategy tailored to that specific athlete.
Think about how much time you spend on a project physically and mentally. Then consider the amount of time you spend on it spiritually or emotionally. Are you acting as a whole human being?
Massenomic Rookie Card & First Meet Story
Massenomic's made a Powerlifting Rookie card with me. Several questions popped up after this posted so I made this short video to address them.