A Person w/ A Theory ...
Harry was formally the strength and conditioning coach of the Arizona Sundogs (NHL/Central Hockey League) as well as for the Bradshaw Mountain High School football program. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in multitude of sports over the course of the last 37years. Harry is currently working at Combat Sports Academy in Dublin, California.
When the skill doesn’t stick or is lost: two stories and their strategie...
Understanding the foundations of motor skill learning allows the coach to create a strategy tailored to that specific athlete.
Think about how much time you spend on a project physically and mentally. Then consider the amount of time you spend on it spiritually or emotionally. Are you acting as a whole human being?
Massenomic Rookie Card & First Meet Story
Massenomic's made a Powerlifting Rookie card with me. Several questions popped up after this posted so I made this short video to address them.
Training Week 6
Feeling jacked after training today. I'm probably a day or 2 away from being stage ready.
600 Pound PR!
Have you ever seen the claims, like, “This is the program that added 100 pounds to my squat, bench or deadlift?”
My Idea of Deloading
Tony Montgomery studied exercise science at Florida Atlantic University and is currently pursuing his master's degree in the same field. He owns a gym called Strength Union and an online coaching company called Team Phoenix Performance. He competes in powerlifting, where he's hit a 2,001-pound total in the 242-pound class and a 2,006-pound total in the 275-pound class, both in
Conjugate/Hypertrophy Week 2
Conjugate/hypertrophy Training Week 2 This week’s training went pretty good but my shoulder issues have worsened. I can deal with pain but now I’m having strength issues. It’s also getting stuck on side to side movements. So that sounds like it’s probably torn. Confession time. As you can see, my focus right now is […]
Do we really believe in the strong mind strong body concept or is it jus...
How many workouts did you have last year? How many books did you read last year? How many times did you hold someone in a deep embrace and tell them you loved them from the core of your being last year?
Strength Training Information From The Vault - FREE e-book
200 Page e-book for free. All you need to know on how to get stronger with no strings attached, no code, login or password required. Just click the link and the book is yours.
Table Talk Podcast #16 - Q & A Format
Going back to the roots of the Talk Talk and knocking out some of your Q & A's
Rear Delt Training: A Missing Dimension?
Every now and then you’ll come across the crunchy-granola-holistic crowd that questions the motivations in training a muscle in isolation
The Power Bath
Here’s another one from the college days. This must have been from my experimental period because there were many off the wall things that I tried to get stronger. This one is no exception, but it’s not as extreme as many of the others.
Monitoring Readiness and New Podcast
The more you can learn about your body the harder you can push things.
Alwyn Cosgrove Table Talk Podcast Preview - How To Get More Clients
During this Podcast is was storming outside, we ate Pizza, I was about to fall asleep from the 3 previous Podcasts, Alwyn just got off the plane but kept dropping knowledge faster that the rain pounding the roof. Here is a preview of what we will be posting more of soon.