Programming: Always trying to Improve
Just a few thoughts on writing/updating programs and a little bit of the process that I go through. This might be a snoozer.
Training Week 3
Week 3 training, Ring Dings and the ramblings of someone with too much time on my hands right now.
Another Look At Passion
When you do find that special and rare person who is among the best of the best and would still do it for free - you have found the real deal and a person worth seeking advice, guidance and friendship from
From the Couch: Coach Talk from Murph’s Office Part 1
Featuring: Sam Brown, Greg Robins and Jeff Bramhall-Unique Coaching Tools to Get the Most From Your Athletes
The atypical training conditions epilogue: tapering for competition (Dav...
Although I worked with Dave for years, the program I am writing about here is 14 weeks long. The last 4 weeks are the tapering cycle before the meet:
Put 10lbs on Your Bench with this 15 Week Raw Conjugate Bench Cycle
Cody's best bench was 424 going into this cycle, and at the Iron City Open last weekend he hit a solid 434 (and even went on to pull 650 for a 10lb PR).
Biceps: Big Arms, Big Total?
Choo-Choo! All aboard the gains train, am-i-right? Suns-out-guns-out. Curls for the girls and all that nonsensical ...
Training and Posture Pro
Posture Pro this past weekend in Atlanta at Jance Footit's 5 Rings Barbell. The speaker and creator of Posture Pro is Annette Verpillot and has been working on this system for over 13 years(well her words were it took me 13 GD years to figure this out). I did not need much coaxing to go. […]
Right after I was told we were out of Purple Monsters!
Just imagine how much better the greats of the ’80s and ’90s would have been if they had access to all this not to mention the tea and herbs we have now.