Is an Exercise Science Degree Worth It?
Many variables can play into this, Jim and Dave discuss a few of them in this Podcast segment.
How Can I Train At elitefts? Part 7
The older I become, the more I see that Louie Simmons was right about some things that I thought were complete bullshit. I could write a book on the number of things he told me would happen which I 100% disagreed, only to discover years later that he had been right the entire time.
ASK ME ANYTHING - March 22, 2019 - FROM IG @underthebar story. Over 100 questions answered.
Jim Wendler's 5 Training Core Values
Jim's 5 basic standards and values for the High School football players he coaches.
How Can I Train At elitefts? Part 6
When it is time to do the work that must be done - focus must be given. Arnold once wrote that the gym could be caving in and he wouldn’t know because of the focus he had on his training.
How Can I Train At elitefts? Part 5
In more than a decade at Westside Barbell, there were very few who I trained with whose full names I knew. Most I didn't or took a long time to learn. I do know what I called them, and they called me, and 100% know when people try to BS me by saying they did train there when I
Table Talk Podcast #3 With Jim Wendler
Jim and Dave sit down and talk training, old work stories, blowing up bathrooms, the origins of 5/3/1 and coaching High School football players.
Reduce shoulder stress and add some variety to your training
Grip is an important aspect of many sports.