Training and post arnold time
This year marked year 7 for Spud Inc going to the Arnold Classic as a vendor. Personally, if you count competitions and going to help or in the case of 2007, recover from a tricep year I have been to 12. Witnessed 1100 fall for the first time ever in the squat by Steve Goggins […]
One of the most intelligent, brutal, effective and underutilized tools i...
Do you ever think about using the Prowler for Bodybuilding applications? Here how.
Ladder Pushups - video
Here we are, weeks 7 and 8 of hypertrophy training. It's been a long time since I've done "blocks" like this. For 15 years, I trained pretty straight conjugate and when was in an off-season, I added more volume, or single leg work or any other non-comp specific stuff. I've enjoyed this. It's taken me […]
Have you ever felt so sick you felt like you wanted to die?
Have you ever had a dull pain that NEVER went away and wouldn’t stop for even a minute and felt like it would never end and wasn’t worth it?