Looking for real answers?
Here’s something none of the experts will tell you because - well - maybe they haven’t figured it out how to sell it yet.
Table Talk Podcast #1 - Dan Green & Andrew Herbert
Table Talk Podcast #1 - Dan Green & Andrew Herbert - Mostly talked about training.
The Biggest Lie I've Ever Been Told
“When you are your death bed, training won’t matter”, is the biggest lie I’ve ever been told.
Conventional Deadlift 101!
Checkout Johnnie Jackson and my video on deadlift training and follow along as we work to increase his deadlift over the next 8 weeks
I Can't Believe I'm Sharing Recipes.
It's been classified for so long, I could tell you, but now I think I'm forced to kill you.
Stress and Recovery for the Athlete
Blast from the past discussion with Buddy Morris, Tom Myslinski, Jim Wendler and myself.
Business 101: Should You Train Your Staff?
What happens if we train them and they leave?....What happens if we don't and they stay?